Amy Phillips RNB - Long Wave

Wow! 45 vocal parts. I would have guessed like 4 or 5. I did mean to just make it stand out more. I'd like to hear more of the autotuned stuff that she did in the last chorus, but without the autotuner.

By the way, I really like the electric piano sound as is.
yeah, there's 45 vocal parts, but you're not meant to hear them. it just makes the chorus rise a bit and sound a little different. there are some vocals doubling the chorus lines, some singing the chorus on two notes, some singing a new harmony line, and some whispering.
Yeah... I can hear a big money sound.

The only part I dont like is the first verse " Wonderin' what to do" Use a different vocal scale. A little more unique rather than that Debbie Gibson scale.

The filtered intro vocal is what everybodys doin' :) sounds good

I think if the song was more unique It would have better potential..

I mean.. when am I gonna start hearing something different?

Be a leader.. strive to be different

some people are in it for the money... I guess
i didn't filter the intro vocal heavily, just a bit of hi and lo shelving. and i ran it through some distortion on a Boss GX700 rack unit.

there are still loads of harmony lines which haven't been used. and since this isn't the final mix, there's options for me to use another harmony on that line. ill have a go. i did all the backing vocals in Nuendo, so i could group them all to 2 mixer channels. it would have been a nightmare to have 45 backing vocal channels coming up on the desk. i think i would have gone crazy.

about the "being different thing", we're promoting her as a commercial artist, so that's probably why it doesn't sound too different. we're working on some new stuff which is a little more guitar-y rnb.

thanks for listenin man
I guess thats what you have to do to get started.. I guess.

If you were the first person to come up with that Cher vocal auto-tune plug in...

My hat would be off to ya brother!

JM, the autotune effect is something that all the chart listeners seem to love in the UK. so it was a bit of ear candy for the listeners.

i hate the effect personally.

I kinda agree with Mixmkr about the rapid percussion - but I think it fits the *music*... Come the instrumental breaks it sounds fantastic. Perhaps a more intense vocal (don't know if this is Amy's style? ;) ) would bring it together, IMHO. Something that makes you clench your fists when you hear it. Not through the whole thing, just a buildup. Think Michael Jackson's "Dangerous". As it is, the vocals are too "Enya" and it decouples the feeling of aggression the music depicts. I love the audio track, tho. Smooth and silky - done on a Triton? Except maybe some of the percussion? I listened to it a few times... Me like... :D

Battery: Dandelionaid for the intro and the percussion breakdown.

Battery: Drinkdeep at the very beginning of the verse, quickly changing to Electriarnation for the bulk of the verse. Substitute Strawberryaid for fun every now and then.

Sepiaswhirl during the chorus, with the occasional dash of Chemicalnova for fun.

If you have all the cool visual stuff that comes with Windows Media player, the above instructions are the only way to view this song. :)

As far as the tune goes, I think you've got a strong "filler" song that shows yet another dimension to Amy's style and personality. A bit more mature-sounding, perhaps?

The only reason I'm not saying you have a sure-fire radio hit is because I don't really hear a hook that grabs me, sucks me in, and makes me want to whistle and hum it for the rest of the day. What I need kind of fills that void, though. Great job tracking and mixing, though.
chessrock said:

The only reason I'm not saying you have a sure-fire radio hit is because I don't really hear a hook that grabs me, sucks me in, and makes me want to whistle and hum it for the rest of the day. What I need kind of fills that void, though. Great job tracking and mixing, though.

gotta agree with chessrock. you've got a tough one to follow up with 'what i need'. that song really is a hit with a real good hook. this one is top quality production but the song is missing the melodic hook. i mean it's better than anything i'll do in my lifetime, but you've put a high target out there for yourself with the first one.

you know, there's a riff that she sings at about :17 that is very brief but very catchy. I think you might try building on that in the chorus. I know it's not much but it's something and right now the chorus is just too bland.
The only question that comes to mind is,

Where the hell do you get a track like that from. so many different parts going on at once, it's hard to know where to start.

BTW -- give me a shout about the piano module.


Hey Dafydd,

im not sure whether you mean instrument parts or vocal parts...

well, she came up with the initial melody, and i spend half a day just working out parts to go with it. we then chucked a load of ideas into Pro Tools and worked from there. This is still the demo version, we are going to re-mix it and possibly, re record it. the whole amy project is still in production.
the chorus has about 40 backing vocals on it, but you dont hear that, well most people dont. it's just there for texture.

as for the backing, i wanted it to be pretty busy and energetic really. there's a lot of cool stuff which you dont actaully hear , but it's "there".!

has the whole piano module thing not being sorted out yet? i haven't been back for a while because of the amy stuff. give me an e-mail... and ill speak to you about it.

thanks for listening rochey.