American v. Mexican Tele (an observation)


New member
Nope, this isn't another "what's the difference/worth the extra money???" thread, just an observation I thought I'd share. I bought an MIM tele about four months back on the cheap (midnight wine, yum) from a local shop goin out of business. I'm just as in love with it now as I was the day I bought it so that might contribute to some of the bias in this post.

Anyhoo, on a run to my other two local shops in hopes of finding an SCXD, which are being snatched up like there's no tomorrow, I figured I'd play around on the American tele's since I don't own one. Now I had read plenty of stories of Mexican "gems", but out of the three Americans I played (small sample, I know), to me none of them even felt as nice in my hands as my own. On one my hand just kept getting stuck along the neck as I tried to slide. Like I said there may be some bias, but if I thought they felt like an improvement I'm sure I would have noticed. For those wondering, one of stores has a nice meter on the wall to let us know the guitars are sitting in a cozy 47% humidity. As for the other store..well guess we'll just have to trust them. Admittedly, once I plugged the guitars in my Mexican began to show its flaws, but that also has a lot to do with a blues jr. easily putting my crate practice amp to shame.

Obviously, and fortunately, my experience is the exception, not the expectation. But I'd much rather start off with a guitar that feels beautiful and pretty up its sound than to not even enjoy playing the heavenly sounding guitar in my hands...but that's just me.
Know exactly where you are coming from bud,tried for two years to find an SG that comes close to my SG Gothic,think Gibson just got something bang on with that guitar,dunno if its the difference between my ebony fretboard and the standards rosewood,maybe its cos mine has the not quite so hot 490 pickups,maybe like you say its just the feel,the old goth gettin a bit worn now,keep saying gonna retire it cos they are like hens teeth here,but just cant find anything to match it,last time went shoppin for one ended up with a PRS Mira and returned it after day or two.Not much in way of decent luthiers here either and SG is gonna need refret and nut real soon.
I can relate. I am quite pleased with my Squire Stratocaster (admittedly, at or near the top of the Squire line), except perhaps for the pickups. Also, I am quite pleased with my Epi Les Paul Standard, now that I have Burstbucker Pro's in it. It is REALLY smooth and sweet- my buds noticed, too, without knowing the pups were BB P's, so it must be real. of stores has a nice meter on the wall to let us know the guitars are sitting in a cozy 47% humidity.

That wasn't there for humidity- it was there for HUMILITY- at that moment, 47% of the people in the store were humble about their talent and ability- a VERY high percentage.