Always wanted to make recording like I heard on CD, now..

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I have been recording since 80's my Tascam 388 4 on 1/4" and it sounded awesome input through the 660 and 1176 pre comp chain. That was as close as I got and it sounded like the cassettes you buy. Then I sold the 388, and went fostex 8 track and A8 mixer .. worse. All DBX band Aphex rack chains in the A8, worse sound yet. Then I went DAW and got a Line 6 2x2 toneport and recording laptop, horrid sound. Great digital editing and track layering, and every sound effect free. Sound is stale.

I am ready to dump it all and play direct to a Iphone live capture device as it sounds the same quality. The gateway to recording broadcast commercial rock is closed and has been since 86'. That's my theory, cause the market became saturatated with copy products and people trying to make a living off a idea that the customer cannot tell the difference. How many tube screamer pedals are out there, How many VCA's?

My drums are synthetic , but that is fine. Alesis drum pads and a TR808 anaglog box are hard to beat.

Keyboards are Moog T3 floor ( full analog with midi usb 88 key thru) and Fantom x6. Microphonics sure 57/58, boutique .6-.8 micron long ribbons, Neumann u87/km84s, etc.

The best guitars and amps, JCMs, DRRI, Sunn, etc.

If I wanted to design and record my own arrangments and progressions similar to Tom Petty , Jeff Lynne, George Harrison dynamics. What would I use? The UA 660 and 1176 on 1/4 for sure have that sound , but what do in a DAW and how? Those artists have a familiar sound from next record to record , and deviate very little in format or dynamic. It is important to keep roots from the past. I'm sure sampling you can make a great DAW recording , but I play instruments well and want to enjoy what I have played .

What can I do? Sell it all and get $10 grand back, call it a day , and play acoustic in my backyard? Really sounding good.
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Are you high? Seriously?

So many contradictions this has to be a joke post. I'm at work so I'll elaborate more when I get home.
You think I'm joking. For what reason?

I am far from a newbie.


Sure I could grab a 1/4" Tascam 4 track again. Then when I want people to listen , I have to bring a reel to reel. Also I only have 4 tracks again . I like the reaper DAW for the mulitracking and computer editing. No more splicing. There is a lot with tape that gets old.

I did notice that there are plugins for a 1176, where it is nothing but software. Doesn't sound the same.

I was told before. To try my Neumann's direct to a Avalon VT-737sp to a RME Fireface 800 and in to DAW. Then use plug ins for effects instead of the real things.

Or could be my laptop a dell inspiron , but I think using ASio might bypass the soundcard.
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Grab your Tascam, plug it into an interface, use the DAW you choose and have at it.
Thank you for your reply.

I have done just that with fostex A8 and L6 toneport. It loses quality. Anything that goes through the Ux2 toneport sounds like the toneport . You basicaly lose the analog sound. It doesn't hiss or saturate to distortion, but you lose some character.

If you do keyboard comparisons the lead guitar Fantom X sounds , are 10 x richer in the DAW, and that's not right.
Man, you lost me. Are you trying to get digital to sound exactly like tape?
You think I'm joking.

I never know if you're joking or serious, I just know that you occasionally drop by here and ask some very convoluted and incomprehensibe question that no-one can actually understand, and then start arguing.

I have no actual idea what your original post is asking. So for my money, you're trolling.

Happy for you to prove me wrong, but you seem to have trouble holding a thought and expressing it in a form that anyone else can understand.
I never know if you're joking or serious, I just know that you occasionally drop by here and ask some very convoluted and incomprehensibe question that no-one can actually understand, and then start arguing.

I have no actual idea what your original post is asking. So for my money, you're trolling.

Happy for you to prove me wrong, but you seem to have trouble holding a thought and expressing it in a form that anyone else can understand.

+1. Anyone that puts the 1176 pre and Line 6 kit in the same post has to be off their trolley.

Ok. No not trolling. Not kidding. Frustrated, yes. I try to make things understandable .

I have very few free moments. Only can record a few times a year.

So I tried to tell you what I have tried, and some of the equipment I use.

Bongo, yes I am trying to get the same sound from the DAW. I believe it might be the interface, but the alesis express 2x2 sounded the same as the L6 ux2.
This getting all weird again.

I don't understand what your getting at. All 2x2's are pretty much equal. I only need 2 inputs for stereo micing. What 2x2 usb do you like then?
Before any interface/preamp/connection is even critiqued, the most important to get a sound you ask about lies in the sound of the instruments you play and the room you record in.

You can have whatever high end gear to record with, if your room sucks it will all be for nothing. If your tone and performance are not upper level, the even a good sounding room will negate all of the benefits of the others. It becomes easy to get good recordings when these first steps are taken.

Have you addressed the treatment of your room? Have you tested it to see if is adequate?

A better interface will not necessarily make things sound like you wish. I am just going to guess that you are neglecting the most important things here.
"I have very few free moments. Only can record a few times a year. "

Then you will be crap at it.

Digital = you get exactly out what you put in. Figure out how to get the sound you want INTO your interface, then you're all set.
Digital = you get exactly out what you put in. Figure out how to get the sound you want INTO your interface, then you're all set.

Indeed. Someone once said " To record a GREAT acoustic guitar sound, start with a GREAT acoustic guitar. A GREAT acoustic guitar player and you are 90% done"!

I don't want to get into my accomplishments. Lets say it is safe to say I have the experience. I am the best at guitar, keys, bass, drums , and voice. For anything else gimme 2 weeks. 30-40 years experience playing out. 10-20k in gear.

I have recorded at real studios and paid close attention. In the 80's on 1/4 that was the best I got. The studio had the 2" master which spread it out nice.

Where I record is good enough. Yes there are moving blankets hanging inside and a small booth. Its fine to dead n up the reflections. I have nice high pan ceilings and some treatments also.

My problem is getting the good sound into the computer. Period. I am the best live musician I ever heard and play the best equipment.

I attended seminars at Guitar center and sam ash locally when I bought my digital interfaces. I got a laptop a Del linspiron 17R with upgrades. An alesis 2x2 and a toneport UX2 that does guitar vst fx's and works as an interface.

If these weren't the 2x2 's to get what are? Is USB a good input for analog conversion? Is firewire better sounding?

What ASio do you use? I have 3 different ones I switch back and forth for the brands. Is that normal ? Can it effect the interface sound quality once I switch off to another one? Does the project have to be done in the same Asio?
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Can you post examples of the sounds that you're unhappy with? Maybe it's your ears.
Some of you mention you recognize me from posts. I still have the same problem with recording to my computer.

What questions do you think I need to ask? Because I don't know how else to describe it than I have in the past. I put up 30 second clips , but because you cannot hear the room live. You cannot compare.

View attachment JBGclip.mp3

This sounds bad, but what can you compare it to? The only way to get it into the DAW is through the interface and that's my problem. You can hear me plaing the instruments in time, sure. 30 seconds of JBG.
"Is USB a good input for analog conversion? Is firewire better sounding?"

The fact that you have to ask that question makes it plain that you have no clue about digital recording. To me you are away with the fairies and Russ Andrews people.

So, you are a great musician *? So is my son and he is about your age and like you he knows bugger all about recording and is beset by myth and misinformation.

*You DO know that is bordering on the "nuts" don't you?


No, I just got my first Interface a couple years ago. That makes me a poor instrumentalist. I don't think so.

The sound coming in should be reproducible in the DAW. Making fun of the brand of 2x2 interface as little to do with anything.
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