AKG Perception 100/200

i've created a form!!!!!

i think the (insert name of mic here) sounds tons better than other mic's in it's (price range+ circumstances of manufacture) and will make you're (source) sound like it was recorded with a (name of similar looking but more expensive product)
When I read threads like this one, as interesting as they are, I'm often reminded of how easy it is to miscommunicate about opinions and intentions. This rather impersonal online approach lends itself to that, of course. I realize, too, that a forum such as this one has a particularly broad range of readers--ages, needs, budgets, experience, and so forth--and very little that binds some of us together besides our love of music and recording music.

Many other forums have something at their core that does seem to bind folks into a more coherent group, which makes communication easier in a way. The Yamaha aw16g/1600 forum that I sometimes visit is just one example: the folks there are mostly running lower-budget operations, with the same machine. I've noticed that, in general, there seems to be much more basic agreement and a kind of we're-in-the-same-boat mentality that makes communication easier.

Still, I enjoy this forum a heckuva lot, especially for its diversity, even if there's a bit of misunderstanding and tension (often unintended) from time to time. Maybe it's unavoidable, given the situation. And do I trust some of the seasoned veterans' opinions here more than others'? Of course I do. I'd be a fool not to. What a great opportunity to learn from folks who have light years' more experience than I do, who have the chance to personally compare a range of products that I only read about, and who (in many cases) are able to offer an opinion that speaks in a reasoned voice to people much lower in the recording food chain (like me). What a blessing.

Just an opinion from someone who knows that he needs help, as much as he can get, but who's enjoying the ride~

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The Zen Master was right.

homestudioguy said:
PS-I get crap all the time for my positive stand on sE Electronics mics. Red chicklets too. (oh I am so hurt :rolleyes: )
Oooh! I got another Red Chicklet! :eek:
No name provided.
Par for the course. :rolleyes:
Not only did I get the Red Chicklet, I've actually moved up from being on sE Electronics payroll and a lover of Studio Projects microphones (interesting as I have none) to being labeled as "an idiot".
The Zen Master told me that I only have control of my own actions and reactions and at the same time have no control over the actions and reactions of others.:cool:
jeffree said:
Many other forums have something at their core that does seem to bind folks into a more coherent group, which makes communication easier in a way.

You guys have no idea just how dysfunctional a board can be. :D

Back in homerecording.com hayday ... there used to be all sorts of crazy shit flying around here. The board has gotten much better and more peaceful, and I mean that in a good way. Ugly threads are kind of the exception rather than the rule.

Any problems you see that creep up from time to time are mostly the result of this being an unmoderated board. And the fact that you've got such a wide and varying group of people from so many different walks of life.

I get testy in regards to recommendation threads. "What's the best booger to pick out of my nose?" "What's the best brand of filter to use for my coffee?" Somtimes those can get us kind of testy.

Back to the original subject, though: I used an AKG Perception on a session not long ago. The singer owned it and liked it so much, he just kind of took it with him on all his sessions. The singer who used it had a very strong midrange to his voice to begin with ... but the tracks turned out fine. I don't remember listening back at any time and frowning over something that could be attributed to the vocal mic used in the session. It's not the first mic I would have chosen (usually my first choice is either an Audio Technica, or an Electrovoice something or other). But I didn't think it was a sucky mic at all.

And just for the record, Homestudioguy, I am *not* the nameless cowardly red chicklet guy. I try to always allow people to type out their issues. I figure they may just be having a bad day. And when I do give negative rep (fairly rare) I sign my name. I figure there's a principle somewhere there. I also know diddly about SE mics. Over a couple of years, I can't believe the innocuous stuff I've gotten negative rep for, like what color of lava lamp I like.-Richie
mr. franklin

I think we're all forgetting the brilliant part of the hundred dollar microphone: we can buy them for $100 and then later sell them for $100.
A wealth of knowledge

Man I never thought I would ever cause this much of a stir w/ my question... Thanks to all for the wisdom I've gained lots of brains to be picked here and especially PlnsMstkn4Jacob that was an outstanding mix... just a little bit of my back ground I come from a live production background and after many years have decided to get into home recording. so (don't laff to hard) I had started w/ an old mx8000 and 3x 16bit adats what can I say (not sure if it was a bargin or not at under 700$ for the lot). so now I'm (after being stubborn) going to get into full blown PC/mac based recording starting w/3x digi 002's what can I say I have a good job and very selfish... so again thnx for all the info and opinions now I just have to sort thru everything and find what's best for me

homestudioguy said:
PS-I get crap all the time for my positive stand on sE Electronics mics. Red chicklets too. (oh I am so hurt :rolleyes: )
Now that "all of us children are playing better now", please consider trying out an sE Electronics SE2200-A LDC.
I did an A/B in January at OXIDE LOUNGE RECORDING with Tony SanFillipo's blessing and hospitality with the SE2200-A and Tony's 1970's U87 and the sonic similarities were quite remarkable.(Both mics were run into a Pro Audio Design Aurora Pre directly into a Neotek Elan 32 Channel Console and recorded into IZ Radar. Monitors were Mackie HR824’s.)
Of course there are some differences as the U87 provided a little more "air" and a little more overall depth but some of us had to really focus to hear those differences (Tony has some kick-ass ears and actually pointed these few differences out).
Price differences? $299 vs $2895 with cases shockmounts etc.
(Tony is also a Forum Monitor on the Tape Op Magazine Site)
chessrock said:
Back to the original subject, though: I used an AKG Perception on a session not long ago. The singer owned it and liked it so much, he just kind of took it with him on all his sessions. The singer who used it had a very strong midrange to his voice to begin with ... but the tracks turned out fine. I don't remember listening back at any time and frowning over something that could be attributed to the vocal mic used in the session. It's not the first mic I would have chosen (usually my first choice is either an Audio Technica, or an Electrovoice something or other). But I didn't think it was a sucky mic at all. .

Now THAT'S useful information people. I'm sitting here wondering what the latest feeling is about the perception mics that I've used before and quite enjoyed, so I used the search function and found this thread (among many others). Now, not only do I like this post because it's chessrock and he's an experienced guy that I respect, but it's also just nice to see the mic being used in a pro recording session by someone who's never used one before (Chessrock) who ended up feeling that the mic did a perfectly good job of recording the vocals. Hence, the mic is quite capable of performing well on the right voice, although in this case it's possible that a good engineer is partly responsible as well. That may be the case with my own experience with the mic as well, I liked it when I used it but I'm used to getting the most out of cheaper gear.

I personally don't think that a really experienced pro engineer with tons of amazing famous experience has an opinion that is worth a lot more than a newbie's opinion, although I do feel that you will more often get opinions from newbies that might be pointing out something in the sound that the gear in question isn't responsible for, and therefore becomes a slightly invalid point. I always enjoy reading that someone inexperienced loves some piece of gear though, it means that the gear is useful to someone and worth it's cost to someone. That validates the gear to me but doesn't mean I'm going to go out and buy it. I do, however, tend to buy gear that is recommended by the big name guys on this board because they tend to use gear in similar professional ways to how I use gear, so I expect it to be a more relevant recommendation to my needs.

So everyone go ahead and post opinions, experienced pros and amateurs alike, it's all great to hear about!

Yes, I'm bored, sorry for the long pointless post, but I do tend to talk alot...
