Ahh..That feels better....

the Prodigal sneaks in...

Al, I know this is the mixing clinic, and everyone's chipped in with good advice in that vein, I'm sure.

I'm here to say, the WRITING...the SONG...the CONTENT...
cuts right down to the nub, comes from DEEP INSIDE (where have I seen that phrase?) and is as good as it gets.
I love the gospel arrangement and feel. But most of all I love the honesty.
Prime cut, grade A meat my friend.

Crawdad, I was listening to this and thinking, "Man that sounds alot like my V67G".

I love that mike, it is the best chinese value our there and the perfect ballad mic.

Great tune, tasty drums and bass. I've got a similar tune I would post if I knew how.

Wondering where you got the sounds? Are those real organs, piano, acoustic?
Pedullist--I'm going to check the thread right after I finish here!

Gidge--Good comments....I guess I just thought it was plenty dark enough. Yeah, Ed could cut it to ribbons! Anyway, this was just one of those things I had to get out of my system, so I doubt I'll work with it any longer. I gotta write something up for my own sanity!

erichenryus--Several things. I need to dive into the Motif and see how to choose FX and assignments for individual drums. What I'm looking for specifically is that "room" that doesn't sound like a reverb patch--something natural, just pushing them back in the spatial plane a bit. I may try another vocal. The bass was cranked louder than usual for me, but it seemed to work and not get in the way since the track is pretty sparse. I'm with you on the organ. Organs in general cut through viciously. I hear alot of tunes where the organ is mixed almost subliminally and that can be real effective. Its a pretty good sounding patch, actually.

ashulman--George Jones? lol! WISH I could do what he does!

Kramer--Thanks for the PM's. Above and beyond, my friend!

CrankyOne--I may fill that other side with some electric guitar at some point--I thought about exactly what you said and ......you are correct!

mkg--That was appreciated! I know I tend to be a bit off the wall, but its always nice when somebody agrees. So, thanks!

Middleman--Yep, the V67! The bass and acoustic are real. The rest is from my Yamaha Motif.

OK. I think this thread has run its course. I like to answer comments, but I don't want to bump this anymore, so I'm gonna let it seek the third page now. :D
Hell no.....it's not over 'till I get to listen to it.
First off.....Chris gets the award for the funniest freakin' thing I've seen on the board in a while.
chrisharris said:
TUNE #1 - Midtempo Death Dirge
TUNE #2 - 12 Minute rambling song about death
Now that's an inspirational evening! :D

Now to the song.......yep, the are some vocal issues, especially in the beginning....but a little thoughout.......I agree with the drummer ( that's a first :D )....you should do this again.
A beautiful song....which is not surprising considering it's source.
I liked the piano sound and the music was appropriate to the song.......just cut that vox over.

I'm back you know.....the last 6 weeks of playing 6 nites a week is over for a week and I only have one gig next week so get ready.
I'm coming at ya' with the kind of hard hitting critiques that Ed wants......yep, I'm a gonna be tearing some new assholes this week, watch out for the brutal assessments you've all come to fear.........

Oh who am I kidding...........I like everything......I'll just gush and gush.....

I'm a song wuss.
great vocal recording........very nice mix.......i can't think of anything wrong with this one........very professional.......are the drums real or samples?

good song
OK...I know you said you wanted this thread to die...but tough nuts :p :D

Al - I really like this song. I have to say...I looped this all night (streamed) on my wife's computer (extremely crappy speakers) while I was digging into my computer again. It may not be mainstream sounding (debatable depending on what genre you are talking)...but it sure as heck has a universal (well almost ;)) message IMHO. When I listen to this I really sense the inner struggle we all have at times with spirituality. From my perspective it was spot on. I think you nailed the message.

I have read most of the comments in this thread and I agree...kind of...with the comments on the vocal. I would have to listen to it more intently to give it a proper critique, but from the perspective I listened to it (all night, but slightly distracted) I really liked it. I think your vocal sounded good (on crappiest speakers) and even though, technically, there are the problems described above, it works for me. Big time. It lends a vulnerability to this song which really fits.

This will go in my keepers folder (if I can find it now - just installed a new hard drive :D). Nice work man...hope you didn't get it totally out of your system :D.

To everyone else...big apologies for not being around to help out much the last few weeks. Lots going on, personal, work... and still trying to get some writing in. I will be back catching up (well kind of) soon. I feel I haven't been contributing and feel bad about it. Sorry :)
Great song Al, I always knew you were a man of faith. I don't have anything to add about the mix....you're far better than I am!
