After a break... more indie rock!!


New member
as usual, i really am open to honest criticism, or questions, or whatever.

i would appreciate it if you could please right-click and "save as" to download it rather than play it off my server, to save my precious bandwidth. thanks.

here you go:

cool song.. sounds good.. I can't make any mix judgements on these speakers, but it sounded a little too tight and bright to me.. could be these speakers, and my mixes have been pretty muddy lately, but I was hearing something high pitched.. made my ears ring a bit.. see what others say because my ears can't be trusted.. I like the song though.
thanks for the feedback.

interestingly, when i listened to the mix on little computer speakers, i think i heard the same thing you did - some harshness in the guitar in the 4k range. yet it doesn't show up on my monitors at all.

this is one problem i've been having lately with my mixes. having monitors with a flat response has its pitfalls - most small consumer speakers have a bump in the upper midrange or mid-midrange that can make things either harshe or muddy. you really have to scoop out a mix more than what sounds best on monitor speakers when you're dealing with rock music.

maybe having some ns10's on hand would actually be a good idea.
best song I've heard on these boards since listening, although I don't really like the singer's voice. Love the the gtrs when they're slamming, nice sound. In the best drummers roar I can muster... "where's fuckin' snare!?" Seemed a bit buried for my tastes. Very cool... thanks.
yeah, that's cause this time the drums are fake. i just played along on a keyboard. don't have the space right now to setup a drum set. soon hopefully i will.

oh, and about the singer's voice: that's ME. don't worry, i won't kill you if you just say it straight out, "I HATE YOUR VOICE MAN." i don't particularily like it either, but when you're a one-man-show doing everything yourself, you do the best you can with what you're given.

Yes, there is some of that 'analog' warmth, maybe a bit of hiss.

Your string samples are good ! I have found that samples of the cello usually work the best. And your sparse use of it, makes it much more effective also. In the second phrase of the initial string intro sample, the violins are at a volume level a bit higher, (because of their natural sonic range). Mixing the violas just a bit left of the cello, but still in the right stereo field, and then mixing the violins a hair to the left of the cello and violin, and much, much lower, will retain much more feeling of authenticity in the strings.

And what I'm really trying to say here is ... the string part is well written and very appropriate, but the violin samples 'inherently' sound less real than cello, so mixing techniques to mix them even better into the cello, makes it all more authentic. Generally the violins are popping out a bit to much then. :D I love strings and record with real violin, viola and cello so I get excited when I hear good use of them.

Your vocal is a very good quality performance.

Your vocal is mixed out top, I can understand all the words on the first listening. You have a very cranberryish vocal !

But if you listen to their mixes, you will instantly see her vocal is mixed at least 2db louder than yours, maybe 3db.

There are a few words, just preceeding 02:27, which are a bit difficult to understand.

When you fall into your upper baritone, low tenor range, the guitar in right stereo is in almost exactly the same sonic spectrum. If you will pan your voice right just 1 or 2% , this will give your voice some seperation and distance from those frequencies in the guitar in stereo right. The listener can also be 'turned' to hear your voice there, and then brought back to center.

'Moving' the listener is trick with the vocal, the center for the vocal is hallowed ground, but you could do it effectively hear.


The intro guitar in stereo left is well placed. It's close to 9:00 perfect, which is a extremely difficult to manage ... but it works. I would put a bit more delay, make it even a bit more dreamy and liquidy. You have a very good signal on that guitar, so that would work really well, and that guitar has considerable 'body', the part is played very well.

Your vocal could be 1db-3db louder, (especially when in the low range), and I think there is plenty of headroom to push the fader up a bit.

At 1:16, that break is very, very effective, but I'm losing your vocal at the entrance, and the entrance is the critical point.

At 1:42, the formula is well executed, but again, I really think your vocal could be more 'present' by just bringing the instruments down 1db there ...

The theme of your song is interesting 'can't see anything, everything ... ' , reviewing your fellow posters work, will give you all the keys ! :D

Use of strings in the outro vocal is very nice, I would double those tracks defining the 'leader track' in the left field and then put a second set of string tracks in right stereo nearly directly under the vocal also, mixed almost inaudibly, just for color there.

The strings in the final outro are very nice and I would craft their exit, they seem to stop abruptly, just extend the length of that note, and draw a nice fade envelope on the pad.

Thanks for sharing, this is a KEEPER, I like this song, your voice, and the performance.
that is the best /most useful citicism i've ever had.
thank you so much.

many of the things you pointed out are possible solutions to mix problems i've been struggling with for months on all my work.

thank you!
the bass sounded overpowering and weird on my speakers. but i think my speakers have been fucked up lately. and i personally can't stand fake drums in rock music. although yours aren't too bad. the crash cymbals suck, but the rest is fairly decent.

other than that, it sounds pretty good.
bleyrad said:
yeah, that's cause this time the drums are fake. i just played along on a keyboard. don't have the space right now to setup a drum set. soon hopefully i will.

oh, and about the singer's voice: that's ME. don't worry, i won't kill you if you just say it straight out, "I HATE YOUR VOICE MAN." i don't particularily like it either, but when you're a one-man-show doing everything yourself, you do the best you can with what you're given.

They sound pretty damn natural to me. I guessm y brain is just used to "If You Want Me" (I love that song dude.)
Sounds good, man! I kind of agree there is a bit of harshness in there with some of the mids (on my end anyway). I like the vocal sound you have on there, but it seems like it needs just a little bit of treatment...maybe a completely dry vocal for this type of song might work...I'm not really sure, but the performance is there. Just needs a little something extra mix wise...

Cool song overall! Though I usually don't care for fake drums (even when I use them I still don't like them) yours had a pretty good sound overall.

Nice job!

Now that is tight

Sonic variation that works, good vocals, excellent instrumental parts, well mixed. Vocals get a little weak around 2:30--could come up a bit, especially when the strings cut in.

Nice piece.
Hey man, I like your tune!!! Very good. I liked the mix but am listening on shitty PC speakers so, cant really give you any feedback. The guitars sounded very tight, recorded nicely. How did you record them??? And, to tell you the truth, I really didnt like the vox too much, BUT I am just very picky about what vox I like and dont like, so it is personal preference. sounded on key and everything. Keep up the great work. Nice job! later man, the dude
Nice song. For the most part I liked the feel to it. That acoustic guit sounds real nice, especially in the intro. Real warm sound - however you might want to roll off some of its lows. When it's playing along with the vocal during the quiet parts, it competes for space with the vocal (and usually wins).

You could double track those vocals and it would sound really cool on a song like this. Some of those high notes sounded like they were a little bit of a struggle to reach. Maybe you could try a few extra takes and get something a little better? Not sure.

Those transitions from the slow/quiet parts to the fast/loud parts were a bit abrupt in some cases.

There's one of those electric guits that doesn't have the best sound to it. A few too many high mids and not enough low mids IMHO.

Good song.
Very good tune! I'm hearing that 4K stuff in the guitars on my monitors. Just maybe a dB or two cut to that area I think, but not so much that the guitar loses it's character. The guitars are the strongest part of this song IMO.

Good stuff!
thanks guys.

i think i will take into account all your suggestions, and completely redo the mix (maybe redo a few vocal lines as well) for release on a solo CD i'm going to start working on.

so thanks alot for everything! it will all be put into the final mix.
CyanJaguar said:
vocalist has a nice clear voice



this is the only thing i'm really left wondering about.

would you care to elaborate at all?

it doesn't make much sense to give a song a poor rating without explanation. i'm not saying your response couldn't possibly be justified, it's just that i would LIKE you to justify it, so i know exactly what it is you think i could do better.