Acoustic Guitar Wanking


New member
Thought I'd try some more acoustic guitar stuff since my rock thing went over like a lead balloon the last time. :D

Kind of a around the world, world music piece. Hence the title. Though I think there's much more Spanish influenced roots then anything else.

Three guitar tracks run through the Delta 66 Omni, using MXl 67's in as close a XY configuration as you can get with LDC's. Taylor 710.

80 Days

Thanks for any listens and comments.
Is that sped up? :eek: Or are you really playing that fast?

Sounds good on my end...really really fast though. Almost like you uploaded an MP3 at the wrong rate and it's playing faster than it should. I like it though, Spanish/classical sounding.
Yes it sounds too fast. There's a link in Soundclick band maintenance that has to do with speed issues. It sounds great like Danny said, just fast..... :D

Song Re-encode
Some HiFi streams play too slow or too fast

The issue with the "slow play" or "chipmunk" effect is due to the original encoding. If you used a sample rate other than 44.1kHz, your hifi song might be affected. To get rid of this error, you can do one of the following:

1: re-encode and re-upload yourself
The best solution is to re-encode your mp3s with a standard mp3 encoder and standard settings. Important: It's very important to use a sample rate of 44.1kHz (and NOT 48 kHz). Most of the times that's the default setting of the encoder anyway.

2: use the online tool below
You can use the links below to re-encode your mp3 right now on-the-fly. But in general that leads to a slightly degraded sound quality. So re-uploading is the preferred method.

To be on the safe side: please make sure you have the original mp3 file before you re-encode your mp3 from this page.

The bitrate and runtime below are displayed as we have it on file. If you want to re-check your songs' bitrate or runtime, please click here

Thanks for the comments about the playing guys.

Sorry to have to break it to you, but yeah, that's the right speed you're listening too. They're just 32nd notes at about 94bpm. Or something like that. I wrote it that way to give a different feel then my fingerpicking stuff. Kind of a Al Di Meola feel if you will.

I have read about the issues at Soundclick, but it is also uploaded at Songplanet and it sounds exactly the same. I encode all my songs the same, so I don't believe there is a problem there. At least the time is in sync with song in the Sonar software. I'll check again, but I do believe it's correct.
Thanks Tim. Coming from the master it's quite the compliment. :D

I did have to boost the high end a little and cut around 200hz to get it to this point. I find that the 67's are just a little to dark for my taste. So I bought some of those Naiant mics and will be trying those soon. Have a few more of these kind of pieces to record.
To those who have responded and I haven't given reputation too, I find I need to spread it around a little more. I'll get to you as soon as I can. ;)

Thanks for all the responses.
BLOODY fast - reminds me of the leadlines over 8 Miles High.
Nice clean sound, you've managed to keep the string noise reasonable too - which is a feat at those speeds.
Have you heard the intro to Al Stewart's Roads To Moscow? This sounds like a fast version of that - it needs to segue into something that the strummed chords suggest.
Cool bananas!
Nice work Chris. Definately got the Al Di style on this one-nice and intimate sound.
Maybe seperating the field of leads would have made it more dramatic?-the left lead is stronger by the panning, and the other is up the middle. Although that could make it-Strunz/Farah-ish if taken too far.
JMO of course.

Other tunes sound great too.

love that rich and full, yet bright and glassy guitar tone. very smooth sound.

understatement ahead: excellent playing.

i did notice what sounded like meter issues, though. maybe i'm just having a hard time finding the meter because there's no percussion, but the first minute seems kinda awkward, timing-wise.

sounds beautiful though. really tonally pleasing and well-balanced.

i really wish i could play like that. hell, i'd be ecstatic if i was HALF as good! :)
Thanks for the listens comments, suggestions and criticisms.

rayc - Have not heard the song by Al Stewart. I'll have to check that out. As for the cleanness of the guitar playing, I have improved quite a bit in keeping the string noise down. I even had a song up here when I first joined to ask how to clean up the string squeaks. Guess I'm doing something right.

gOdmoney - Just a lot of practice. A lot of frustration along the way too. :D

1tonio - I thought of maybe changing up the leads a little more to separate them. Tried to keep the rhythm part more in the middle to help with the two outer guitar lead parts. Higher lead to the right and accompanying lead to the left. Thanks for taking a listen to some of the other things. ;)

drossfile - Well, to be quite honest the meter is right, it's just that the guitar playing is off a little bit here and there in the beginning. The last little bit of the song is actually a higher bpm then the rest of the song. Seemed to need that extra push at the end.
Pretty good speed on that playing then. I can't even think that fast lol....
I like the panning as it is, fairy tight L/R/Center. Overall I think you've got a pretty fine recording here...

Thanks ido.

I like how the panning is too. I actually tried it a little further out but it seemed to lose some of the cohesiveness of a tight knit group.

As for the speed, I guess that's all relative. :D
And I thought I could play fast. :(

I think it's the EQ on the bottom/high end that made it sound sped up at first. I really like the mix of classical and Spanish...

How long have you been playing guitar?
The Al Stewart album is Past, Present & Future most famous for the Nostrodamus track though this track is EXCELLENT. Mind you the whole album is ace (bought it in 1976 & upgraded to CD about three years ago).
This is why I don't even pick up my acoustic guitar. I could never play something like this, so why bother?

It sounds very good. I love the speedy stuff in contrast to the usual folky finger-picking that you usually hear in acoustical stuff. Very nice!:)
Very cool, very impressive. Nice recording too. My only suggestion would be around 2:05, where you play parallel 5ths. Dont.:D Same around 2:50, I guess I paid attention in theory class after all.:p You have this spanishy vibe going on, then all of a sudden it sounds Chinese.:D

A splendid listen, very impressive.