Don't stare at the eye.
Great article WhiteStrat. I love those NT5's. They hardly require any processing and those black cables are pretty sweet too.
I know you said you did pretty close micing but can you tell us about the room too? -Thx
Thanks! The room is what I call my "future studio." It's the size and shape of my studio, and it's got all my gear--but it's nowhere near finished. It's in the basement and has a 10' tall cement wall running down one side, and open 2x4 stud walls on the other three sides (the "room" is 16' x 26').
I actually use the unfinished walls to my benefit. I always face out through the long unifnished wall when tracking my acoustic. There's a touch of natural 'verb there, but no harsh room or wall stuff, because there's no room or walls! Seriously, the basement is big, so the nearest solid wall or corner is over 20 feet away. So for intimate stuff like that, I get close to the mics and nothing comes back.
I do have a rather large collection of 703 panels. They'll go on the walls someday, but I've built stands for them, and I use 'em as gobos to make psuedo-booths. So when I'm recording a bigger banging acoustic sound (or vox or drums for that matter), I use those panels to make an odd shaped room for tracking. For acoustic, I'd play inside a "shell" of 4 panels arranged somewhere between a "V" and a semi-circle.