Very cool comment, You picked out faults I did not even realise were there. People like you make me realise I have so far to go still.
I honestly can't remember if I left some effects on that sound sample which is adding to the flutter. I think I tried exactly the mic combination and panning choices as in the original post of this topic. (Recording acoustic guitar 101) So is it possible you are hearing the double tracking? That boomy note is not actually noticable on my monitors... *just about to check on subwoofer+monitors***
Ok, I had a listen on different monitors. And yeah, it's a little boomy to my ears but not picking up what you heard. Maybe I do have some noise cancellation going on in my room. I thought it was fairly neautral in here because I swept up with an oscilattor throughout all bass frequencies and did not hear anything pop out. And I am using Sonarworks which is boosting my bottom end up a lot as my M-audio BX5's really lack the bass. The speakers are 500mm or so off the wall, so over the 18"inches, and measured everything parallel from left wall to right wall. etc. . . .
I'll admit I would never leave the track in that state if adding it to a mix, there would be lots of cuts to mimick the kind of footprint of the finished cover of letters I did a few years back. . . The rhythm I posted up with the twangy high end is completely unmixed I think, but this is normally the state i record ready "for" mixing. . . I thought it sounded fairly balanced if you take it out of context. I wish I could have taken a sneak Peak in the DAW to see what exactly the state I left the recording in. I think I did this very quickly just for the sake of showing you an example of the issues. So, I am following exactly the guitar tutorial above with the added exception of a room mic, just because...... I probably delayed it by 20ms because I am playing around with haas effect stuff, was playing with the illusion of the room being 20ft because of the whole 1ms per 1ft theory, maybe that is what you are hearing aswel as flutter? I am struggling to listen critically at the moment because I have been mixing all day, and just about to open another project up and carry on :-/
The real version of letters I recorded that you are talking about from memory is actually recorded with SM57 for the arpeggio guitar (Placed 1ft maybe further away) Double tracked. The Lead is a SDC Sontronics STC10, I ran an LDC STCx3 out of the hallway into the bathroom and blended in a touch of tiled bathroom verb as well. The rest is just lots of EQ lots of automation. With the usual Delays/verbs. I had a midi track going following the lead, I found that the lead actually sounded better when I left it in, so I didn't bother muting it. Just blended. I think the arpeggios had a massive cut at around 500 so I could lower the lead guitar in volume and still clearly hear it.
The Guitar I am using is a Concert Guitar (Aria - AC25CE)
Aria AC-25CE Review |
It's not a real cheap guitar or anything. Well, depending where you look I guess I've seen it sell for 400£ to £2000.00 , I paid I think £350, brought from my Ex guitar teacher.
My interface is the 18i20 Scarlett
Room is 3M x 3.4M
Just basic Left+Right Acoustic treatment tiles for early reflections. haven't got a cloud up yet. Whole right hand wall is almost fully treated, indirectly at least - has Heavy thick duvet hanging off ceiling hooks. I keep it there so it's really quick and easy for me to pull it across if I choose to record inside them.
I think this is just about everything I can think of to say. Thanks for listening and giving me your opinion that much is so greatly appreciated.