Aardvark Direct Pro 24/96 Problem! - Urgent!!

SHOOT!! I found the problem and it was such an easy fix that this should have been done litterally 7 hours ago!

After I first tried re-installing the program and the Aardvark Manager didn't install, I tried installing and up upgrade 5.12 (or something like that) and even after all the unistalls I did, that program never went away and of course, that was the program that was screwing everything up!

I checked the Add/Remove Programs and that file was still in there, even after uninstalling the Aardvark program. So once I uninstalled that program and reinstalled the driver from the Aardvark website, the Mixer window came up and now I actually have sounds from the inputs!!

Unfortunately, the bass player just left for the gym (pefect timing... D'oh!) so I guess we are officially done for the night...

But now we can start at 5:00am tomorrow to make up for the lost time!

Thanks for all your help! :)
Me too!! :)

The guitarist/keyboardist/backup singer came over last night and stayed till about midnight, so we were able to get all two of the acoustic tracks and a keyboard track done. He also started playing along with another song that wasn't going to have keyboard in it and it sounded really cool, so now there's keyboard in it! :D So yesterday wasn't a total loss! ;)

Today we made up for lost time and got all of the electric guitar done, all of the harmony vocals done, another keyboad track, and also some bass. So all that's left is to get the bass guitar for one more song and re-record the bass on the verses of another song. Then hopefully their drummer can come in (he's been out of town for the week) and we can finish those and get everything mixed within the next couple weeks. They are going to be playing for a school talent contest and they need a demo and lyrics, so hopefully we can get this done before then!

I'll be sure to post some tunes when we get it done, if their songwritter doesn't have any objections... I think it sounds pretty good so far, but I would like to get some non-biased opinions also! :D

Thanks again!