A very frustrated musician. (Particularly need help with recording lead guitar)

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I've been tuning to 440 for years and it never caused me any problems.
Ido, don't try and reason with this specimen. It's a waste of time. You're trying to reason with the Village Idiot. I can't believe he's still allowed to post here, especially in the Newbies section. The site is shooting itself in the foot allowing this to go on.
The usual neg talk. Please make it stop, calm down, have a good time and relax cowboy. :drunk:
I'm relaxed, Homie.:)

Why haven't you posted any of your music yet???? Why are you so scared to do that? Why do you ignore it every time you are asked to do so?
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...and while you're not playing in 440, make sure you NEVER play in 4/4. That's off-beat. :laughings: :laughings: :laughings:
Why not - you fit the gearsluts profile taling about high end gear.

Thanks, but I ain't no Gearslut (in "Gearslutz" terms), I love gear but GS is not my thing at all...

Oops... I just realized I'm suddenly at the newbie section on HR, sorry guys I did not mean to stress you with my recommendations... BUT, even to newbies, please don't spend money on newbie stuff, it's not worth it. Music is holy.
Why did you get banned at GS ?

---------- Update ----------

Thanks, but I ain't no Gearslut (in "Gearslutz" terms), I love gear but GS is not my thing at all...

Oops... I just realized I'm suddenly at the newbie section on HR, sorry guys I did not mean to stress you with my recommendations... BUT, even to newbies, please don't spend money on newbie stuff, it's not worth it. Music is holy.

Newbie gear is fine - we all cut our teeth on it when we start out.
...I have about 20 pro tools projects of small bits of me testing, trying to make something and eventually giving up.....

You need to sit down with ONE project and get it done to learn how to make a finished product.

If you were flailing around on a handful of woodshop projects or 2 dozen upgrades to your car without getting anything done you wouldn't learn those skills, either...
I've been tuning to 440 for years and it never caused me any problems.
Same here.
But even if 440 was out of tune, if everything is tuned to it, then it should mean that everything is in tune.

You need to tone down your expensive recommendations.
I do think this is a good point. I'm not saying home recording means cheap crap and rubbish mixes, but it is important to remember that this is the newbie section in home recording and a lot of people are using what they currently have to hand. And need to solve their issues on what they have.
Umm guys, I forgot to mention I'm 15. All my extra money is from birthdays haha. But again, thanks for all of your advice. After listening to this recording again, on different speakers I've found I really need to invest in good monitors.
The standard 440Hz tuning is out of tune,
as a 35 year VERY busy piano tuner I can say this lets us know to ignore this guys' posts.

McK ....... almost always new recordists use too much gain. Yep ..... it sounds good in the room but does not record well.
You'd be surprised how many of the hi-gain bands you might love use relatively cleanish sounds when recording.

Just give it a try ...... by the way ..... I didn't personally find your guitar tones to sound bad ...... they're too distorted and I truly think they'd benefit with less gain but they didn't really sound that bad to me ...... you might be little too critical of your own sounds.
musicwaters said:
Please do some research into this, I promise it will pay off...

So, I decided to do just that. And because we all know if it's on the internet, it must be true, I googled it.

Here are some excerpts from what I found including the links....

Here’s Why You Should Convert Your Music To 432 Hz | Collective-Evolution
Most music worldwide has been tuned to A=440 Hz since the International Standards Organization (ISO) promoted it in 1953. However, studies regarding the vibratory nature of the universe indicate that this pitch is disharmonious with the natural resonance of nature and may generate negative effects on human behaviour and consciousness. Certain theories even suggest that the nazi regime has been in favor of adopting this pitch as standard after conducting scientific researches to determine which range of frequencies best induce fear and aggression.

Omega432™ » The Importance of 432Hz Music
A measured phenomenon of effect that may support the idea of using A=432hz and 256Hz as a scientific concert pitch is also based on the amount of partials of A=432Hz from a musical scale that seem to correlate to organic systems and the measurement of planetary movement, the Sun and Saturn for example. Saturn is one of the solar systems accurate time pieces and it orbits the procession ever 864 of its years (432 x 2).

440hz Music - Conspiracy To Detune Us From Natural 432Hz Harmonics?
A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432 Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature.

Our Solaris: How to Convert Music from 440 hz to 432 hz Tutorial
I came upon an article that was loaded with an amazing amount of information about the change of the standard tuning back in the early 20th century. This article mentioned that the 432 hz tuning was the standard tuning before the mid 1930s when the standard tuning was changed to A=440 hz, a frequency that I have since came to call as "synthetic frequency" in conflict with the human bioenergetic construct. The article said that it was introduced by the Nazi regime and the Rockefeller foundation as a mind control/dissociation tool and became the standard tuning ever since used all over the world.

So, I decided to do just that. And because we all know if it's on the internet, it must be true, I googled it.

Here are some excerpts from what I found including the links....

Here’s Why You Should Convert Your Music To 432 Hz | Collective-Evolution
Most music worldwide has been tuned to A=440 Hz since the International Standards Organization (ISO) promoted it in 1953. However, studies regarding the vibratory nature of the universe indicate that this pitch is disharmonious with the natural resonance of nature and may generate negative effects on human behaviour and consciousness. Certain theories even suggest that the nazi regime has been in favor of adopting this pitch as standard after conducting scientific researches to determine which range of frequencies best induce fear and aggression.

Omega432™ » The Importance of 432Hz Music
A measured phenomenon of effect that may support the idea of using A=432hz and 256Hz as a scientific concert pitch is also based on the amount of partials of A=432Hz from a musical scale that seem to correlate to organic systems and the measurement of planetary movement, the Sun and Saturn for example. Saturn is one of the solar systems accurate time pieces and it orbits the procession ever 864 of its years (432 x 2).

440hz Music - Conspiracy To Detune Us From Natural 432Hz Harmonics?
A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432 Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature.

Our Solaris: How to Convert Music from 440 hz to 432 hz Tutorial
I came upon an article that was loaded with an amazing amount of information about the change of the standard tuning back in the early 20th century. This article mentioned that the 432 hz tuning was the standard tuning before the mid 1930s when the standard tuning was changed to A=440 hz, a frequency that I have since came to call as "synthetic frequency" in conflict with the human bioenergetic construct. The article said that it was introduced by the Nazi regime and the Rockefeller foundation as a mind control/dissociation tool and became the standard tuning ever since used all over the world.


And here is a rather detailed examination of this A=432 nonsense:
MiltonLineHertz So Good? 432Hz Examined. |
I am thinking of something that rhymes with "Clucking Bell" right now.

The funny thing is, despite the previous 4 or 5 posts, if he does come back, he'll only address MY posts as if I'm the only one that thinks he never makes any sense. I mean, I'm flattered and everything, but.......story of my life. :eek: :)
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