A Studios Main Vocal Mic choices please...

sponge bob

New member
Here's the deal. I am going into a new project studio biz venture with a partner, and have a couple of good vocal mics, but I really need a couple of "Great Performers" to cover my bases, but not kill the bank yet. I have $2,000 U.S. to blow on mics period, as we are opening up without much debt.

I have the following LDC Mics already...

2 AT4033's
1 S.P. C1

What are some great mics a studio shouldn't be with out, and are in my range? I would really welcome your opinions. :) :) :)
Sponge Bob
Shure KSM44 and AT4060 would be nice and you would have some change left over..Or you could go for a Lawson 47 tube but that would do in your budget..There are so many choices..Good luck

What mic pre(s) are you planning to use?
I'd also keep a nice ribbon microphone and a classic large diaphram
dynamic microphone like the Shure SM7 in mind.
You can pick up one of each for under $300 each used.

Unless you consider Beyer's to be "not nice"!

I've seen many go for under $300 at e-bay in good to excellent condition.

ok, main VOCAL mics.....

Marshall MXL2003
Marshall MXLv67
Rode NTK
Rode NT1000
Shure sm7
For ribbons there is aguy who sells Oktava's on Ebay he has a pair of ML19's{made in1981 mint unused} for 500.00.Nice mics acoustic guit,some vox, anything you want to "smooth" out,need a good pre with some getup and go with them though..

Thanks for your input guys! I appreciate it. There's just way to many mic choices out there on the market now days, and so little time!!!

By the way, the pre's I will be using will be from a Soundtrac's Project 8 32ch. & from a Trident Series 24. No mic pre's other than that yet.

Please keep any other suggestions coming!
Sponge Bob
Richard Monroe said:
Shure SM-7
Studio Projects T-3
B.L.U.E. Dragonfly-Richie

The sm7 and Dragonfly are both great suggestions.

Still, if you got a couple grand on ya, why not scrounge up and extra $500 or so and just get a Neumann U87 and be done with it?

You've already got two pretty good ones. I think you'd be better off having one great mic to round things out as opposed to even more average-to-good ones.
pipelineaudio said:
"from a Trident Series 24"

I think you'll be just fine :)

did someone rack those up ? EQ's too ?

It's actually still an intact console in gerat condition.
Got it for a steal (6500 u.s.)
The Soundtracs actually sounds pretty incredible too.
I notice Harvey has one at his place too :)
I have gotten some pro results with it, but the trident
is a dream. ;)

Sponge Bob
I don't know how you can take yourself seriously if you don't have a pair of AKG C414s in your locker. They reek of respectibility, they are great on anything, and not very expensive for a pair of microphones you will use forever on everything.
Everyone has their favorites, but it seems like most studios have a plethera of vocal mics to pick and choose from.
All suggestions here are great choices.

My personal vocal mics: (in no particular order)
BLUE Mouse
TLM 103

Would love to have:
Lawson L47mp
Coles ribbon
There are of course many fine choices out there in many different price ranges....

But I, for one, am amazed how good my NTK sounds on so many different people. You can get em used for like 400 bucks....sometimes much less.

I have heard that many consider the AT 4050 one of the best mics for the money. I dont know how much of your budget you can spend on one mic.....I'm assuming by the way you worded it that you would rather not blow the wad on one mic.

My vote is the NTK.....

Just a thought,

heylow said:
assuming by the way you worded it that you would rather not blow the wad on one mic.

Yep, I'm afraid if I use it on just one mic, I'll be stuck with no options if I run into someone who has one of those voices that just doesn't work with that mic. I wish I had more $$ to play with.

Would a U87 be more of a "all around vocal mic", meaning it would like most every one? Hard to beleive for me...

Sponge Bob