A song i made.. do listen ;)

Looks like some things are missing in your Dropbox folder. No bass wav I noticed first off. I see more 'peak' files than actual audio tracks.

By the way, no reason to put up the reaper peak files. Just the wav files man.
Wow, what a great track. Agree with some of the comments, but I can see you're going for the little less crispy, volume pumped up to the max, modern sound :) The mix ain't bad but it could do with a bit more high end and crispiness nevertheless. Great composition!

The ending might need a little bit more of a buildup/climax thingy, it's sorta abrupt to my taste though.
Link works. Downloaded and imported tracks to Cubase. The drums are out of time. Either a sample rate issue or something. Sorry, I don't have time tonight to figure it out myself. I was going to squeeze in a mix for ya, but not sure what happened there.

It does look like a sample rate issue as the MIDI track seems to line up with the audio tracks, but the mixed drum waves are stretched out longer than the track.