A Humble Note of Gratitude

boydrj said:
never truly met any of you...This is one of the most supportive places I think there is...

My sentiments exactly! Maybe we'll all meet at jamfest III, wherever that will be...

Though I haven't yet had the pleasure of listening to your mateial, I must wholeheartedly echo your sentiments. I've been on the 'Net since 1995, but only a week or so ago did I discover this forum. I've haunted the MP3.com boards since 1999, and I've sort of made another forum (www.artistarea.com) my "home by proxy". There, I've met many new friends, done many collaborations (both on and offline), and really had a sense of community.

This place is, if anything, even stronger in that regard. Just in the short time I've been here, I've been made to feel inordinately welcome by the like-minded folk who inhabit this community. I think this place has the strongest common bond of any forum I've visited; everyone here is fixated on the topic at hand - the passionate expression of their musical talents.

It's truly a pleasure and an honor to be associated with you folks!

Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor
- Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons; for you are crunchy, and go well with ketchup.