I've tied myself in knots trying to get some sensible noise figures. It got very complicated - BUT - I have some data, but it is very confusing.
Please point out any holes in how I have done it, or wrong methods.
Mic - I chose a Coles lip mic so identical distance from my mouth every time. Not the best tone, of course, but consistent.
Interfaces available. I got a Tascam 1641, a Presonus FP10 Firepod, a very cheap Chinese red Focusrite copy, a Tascam H6 and the video camera preamp, which embeds audio into the SDI file and records onto a Blackmagic Hyperdeck.
In-line preamps - two laying around here, one very cheap (less than £10 cost) and a better one (just under $50) - neither anything special.
Process - we all know that flat out on interface/pre-amp is worst for noise, so I used the sweet spot on what I have available - typically on 1-10, 7.5 or 8 in practice fr low output mics (and the lip mic is very low output.
This means that the actual level recorded is below optimum - sometimes quite a bit less. I then normalised each file to 0dB, and in the tools in Cubase I could read the levels. What I did was speak, then record silence - well, taking the mic away from my lips in a pretty quiet studio. This gave me the noise floor figure. It seemed to actually vary a little, so I did three spot readings in the silence and averaged them.
In some cases, I added or removed the in line preamps and got a set of results that were repeatable. None of the averaging of the three results was out by more than 2dB.
As far as I can tell from the commentary of what I recorded, the results are accurate - within the test method.
As an aside, it meant connecting the firepod to something with firewire - which was an imac running catalina. Guess what? Not supported. I ended up finding a third party driver a bit like asio4all, from apponic.com - which actually worked!
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The best performance was from the Presonus - which had the noise at -54dB. This seems quite poor as a figure. the lowered gain on it, plus the in-line preamp was the result I was expecting, I just hoped for a bit better performance. without the in-line pre, and turning the gain up produced -52dB - which is what we have often considered normal on pre-amp noise topics. The Chinese interface was best gain full, no in-line - this makes no sense? Adding full gain put it 4th? Turning the gain DOWN increased the noise. I double checked and adding normalisation definitely produced a noisier result. I'm not surprised by the camera audio - pre-amp on camera, then conversion to the embedded audio. This then gets stripped out of the hyperdeck video file, which is a bit of a conversion path, and the camera preamps are not designed for low level inputs really.
It's taken ages to do this - but I'm not sure what, if anything, the data proves? There must be mismatches somewhere - so maybe Dave's impedance matching/loading? I don't know. I'm slightly dubious of the actual measurements as the noise visually went up and down rapidly in the 'silence' and I used some of the adjustments to slow down rate of change influencing the readings. This may or may not have influenced the result. The readings also provided a peak hold which during the silence could take the averaged -50dB figure and have occasional peaks of -30dB. I don't know what is in the waveform to give these peaks - I hear silence? (well, the hiss).
what do you think? Does it mean anything?