A classic 45 single recorded in 1970 by my Dad

Correction -- 1967 Recording

Hey again!

I just talked to my Dad and he is really grateful to you all. He didn't know that I posted this and was totally jazzed about it! He thanks you all for your nice words!

I did find out that it was actually recorded in 1967 (I thought it was 1970 -- but from the sound of it, 67' actually makes more sense...)

Participant -- Thanks! I'm totally proud of my Dad too! I mean, just to have that little piece of plastic is just so cool! :)

David -- My Grandpa used to play on radio programs and things back in the 40's and 50's. I'm not sure if my Dad ever did, but I'm sure this little single may have got played at different bases and such...Pretty cool to hear about your Dad!

JR -- lol ... :) I thought you meant what kind of "Bass" did they play ... My dad was stationed in Saigon at an Air Force Base there, but I don't know what it was called. I think he was there from 67 - 69 or 70 (I'm not too sure) ... he doesn't talk much about the whole experience. There are some newspaper clippings that he has saved from the time from some of the bases that they played at. I guess they were pretty hot at the time, but back in the states things changed and they parted and went their separate ways ... oh well I guess that is how these things go.

Thanks again everyone! :)
extreme coolness alert..

that was a very cool listen.. yeah I would like to hear the details too.. I dug it much.. vocals and guitar..

and happy boitday to the man!
Cool recording!Sounds really good to be a 35 year old recording!The vocals were really cool.

Thumbs up.