80's rock/love ballad..kinda

Man, keep 'em coming.

The right panned accoustic guitar I thought was a little loud through the choruses. Drums sound better with every tune. When the band kicked in with this one it was perfect, you really nailed it.

I think in this kind of tune the heavy rythm guitar could have used a bit of that 90's compression thing to beef up the mix, dunno, but it sounded killer.


edit, i dunno which part of the lead you didn't like but I thought the wrenched high e string stuff was way cool.
hello there, david

I think the vocal will benifit from some short delay since there are some gaps in between the lines in the begining. The crash clips a little toward the end. Other than that, I think this sounds great.

Good vocal as usual!

scottboyher;" Maybe someday you can bring back this kind of music"
haha, it wont be me that's for sure:D . I dont like the snare that much either, i wanna get back to trying to get a "live snare" sound, but i need to do some things to this room. Thanks bro.

Smokepole; "Are you an old fart too"? :D , uh well that depends...@44 my body keeps telling me yeah..your an old fart, my mind though still thinks i'm 19:D . I keep searching for "that tone" Joe, but i think i go backwards each recording. As for as loosing the "momentum' i know what you mean there, it throws me too. Thanks for the words dude..and the listen.

Terriel; Hello Langley, haven't seen your name around in a while. Thanks for the listen and kind words.

Guernica; hehe, yeah maybe oneday i can add a decent pre to the chain...but uh, i'm sorry i've never heard any "hard edge" on your vox, your kidding right? :D , if you are just using a dbx mini pre, i want one! Thanks big G!

bmorris; "not much of an engineer" who you or me?:D haha, i'd be the first to admit i'm not. What is "soundtracks"? lost me there. Glad you liked it Brian..thanks

B.SABBATH; Man, is there ever a time when your ears aren't ringing?:D , haha. I'm not using a limiter on the mix...maybe i should. Well at least it's gone to a lot of distortion to "minor" distortion on the mix eh?:D Thanks bro!

LT Bob; I hear ya about turning the gain down a bit. I'll give that a shot and see what happens. Thanks for the kind words sir..

Doug H; Appreciate it Doug, i'll try the "compression" thing next mix. Thanks bro

A1A2; Yep..at the very begining i agree it does need the delay some what..compared to the rest of the vocals thru out the song. Crash was to hot..someone already brought that to my attention, good call man...really appreciate the ears Al, Thanks!
Hey David.... The problem seems to occur for me when im belting vocs. Not so much on the timid laid back stuff, but rather on things w/ more volume. just curious..... when you lower the gain on your pre to the point of no longer getting that slight edgy clip, do you notice something else that disappears from the sound? ....kinda like a real bad eq adjustment? I ask because I notice that. For me, its either slightly hot, ...or kinda dead sounding. ...and trying to compensate with eq seems to sacrifice some good nuances that are a bummer to lose. Im convinced its a gain issue that is the result of a having a cheap pre....
This song really takes me to a place when I had hair...ah, the memories...

Really catchy tune. I liked it from the opening, particularly the acoustic sound. I thought the electric needed to come up in places. Some of the lead parts seemed buried. I also thought the snare needed a little more punch to really bring out the strength of this song. All in all I thought it sounds nice.

Oh, and the vox are outstanding. It's nice when you can tell someone just cuts loose and sings like they mean it.
This music is on it's way back.Great sound on all instraments.Mix is just fine.Vox are my favorite part.Good composition.Coulda brought up the lead during the vocals(pre-solo),or maybe enveloped it in louder.Cymbals seem a little brite (but that could just be my computer speakers.Kinda hearing a bit of distortion here and there(could be my pounding headache).Talent, you got. :cool: :D
*bump* LMAO!:D

This is a cool tune david.Powerful stuff going on with the dynamics.The kick drum (maybe the whole drum mix?)is a little hot and it's giving the whole mix and illusion of clipping.....at least thats what my ears here.I like the sound of the acoustic guitar...the lead at the beginning left me wanting a little more...maybe just play a couple more notes with some bending going on or volume swells to give it that eery feel.

Vocals are great as always.

Cool stuff on the guitars starting at 3:07.Yeah!Cool stop at 3:28 and wicked guitar riffing thereafter!Cool dive bomb at 3:39!

Now that I've listened to most of the tune I change my mind about the kick drum.I think the whole drum mix is a little hot AND the bass guitar might be causing a little of that near distortion clipping thats going on too.Try a re-mix and isolate every track one at a time and see if you can find the offending track(s).Are you using any type of enhancers like sonic maximizers etc?It sounds like an over enhanced low end on the mix.

Ok,I've listened to it twice and the clipping is happening mostly on chord crashes with the bass guitar and kick.Fix that and you have a killer mix.

This is a really good tune with a lot of feeling.

I dug it man!;)