4 Bar Intro


New member
First off I’m not associated with RCH Bass products this was just a handle in one of the bands I played in . I’ve played the bars scene , done community radio and ran sound for other bands.
Second I ‘m a musician not just a bass/guitar player. I play harmonica , sax, drums ,and some keyboards . I can read music and play by ear. I’m a lefty but play right handed that’s why I have trouble with keyboards but I hear there is a program to switch keyboards to left handed .
Third I just got and learning mandolin , dobro , violin ,and uke. That funny pick that they call a bow that comes with the violin sure makes it hard to learn ... LOL.
Fourth I just got a Tascam DP01 FX /CD and a Alesis SR 16 and doing my own thing now .
I ‘ve be reading all I could about this equipment on the forums and I enjoy doing my recordings with these. There been a lot of info here that has help. Thanks for it. I really don’t have many question but I’ll be asking some later about certain things about the DP01 and SR16 that I can’t find right now but the answer to these questions doesn’t stop me from doing some basic recording and mixes. I’m real pleased with my results so far.
RCH Bass
Heya, welcome to the site. Sounds like you're well on your way to getting some decent recordings. Be sure to post some stuff in the MP3 clinic for good feedback and comments. Look forward to hearing your stuff.
Just last week sold my DP01, in favor of a Zoom R16 ('cause it's smaller, lighter, 2 built-in mics, 8 channels simultaneous recording instead of 2,) but the DP01 is a good machine.

Have fun, and ask away!
WMA to MP3

Right now I'm looking for a decent wma to mp3 converter for free. The DP01 been real good so far, very user friendly. I was doing some rough drafts just in a couple of hrs after getting it.
I’m a lefty but play right handed that’s why I have trouble with keyboards but I hear there is a program to switch keyboards to left handed .
You've got my curiosity going on that one.

What modifications would make a keyboard more appropriate for right or left handed players? :confused:
Jam in C

Ok got a jam in the mp3 forum. thanks D Vincent

What mods on a keyboard ? I guess since my left hand wants to play lead and my right wants to play bass , I ASSUME since I've not really look into just read it somewhere but it reverses the keys so that the high notes are now on the left and the lower notes on the right... then again I could be totally wrong. Piano is not my Forte ... LOL RCH
Ok got a jam in the mp3 forum. thanks D Vincent

What mods on a keyboard ? I guess since my left hand wants to play lead and my right wants to play bass , I ASSUME since I've not really look into just read it somewhere but it reverses the keys so that the high notes are now on the left and the lower notes on the right... then again I could be totally wrong. Piano is not my Forte ... LOL RCH
That certainly could be done on a MIDI keyboard. Just remap the notes from low to high, right to left instead of left to right.

But I think it would be better to just learn how to play both with either hand. :D
You could split the keyboard so that, say from the middle down was piano and from the middle up would be bass. The left and right could be independently transposed so that the bass was lower than the piano.

If you use a Mac there's a freebie called MidiPipe that could do that.

I've never heard of anyone doing it but why not.
Just last week sold my DP01, in favor of a Zoom R16 ('cause it's smaller, lighter, 2 built-in mics, 8 channels simultaneous recording instead of 2,) but the DP01 is a good machine.

Have fun, and ask away!

Hey Stevieb ..... I haven't seen a zoom R16 up close as yet but, there are 2 built in microphones on that unit?

And is the only difference between the R16 and the R24 just the number of microphone pres or does the latter offer more options?

I’m a lefty but play right handed

This always amazes me :eek:. When I'm watching someone playing right handed laying down some tracks then go to write in a piece of music and they do it lefty. :confused:
Being right handed I know that if I had to play lefty it would be end of game start over for me.


I didn't get good on a guitar until I learned the sax in Jr Hi. The sax got my right hand to become more coordinated and it help with playing bass.
Lots of sinisters play righty, I do, CC Deville for example too. I was gonna say it's all how you learn, they don't make left handed pianos, but I guess they do now.

Keep in mind, we're sinister, you rightys are dexter, yep, that's cool.