30 watt VOX

If you will just be playing at home or at basement jams, that AD30VT will be hard to beat, as far as "tone-for-the-dollar" goes. You can get the AD50VT for about $350.

But if you are going on the road, or you require durable as a must-have feature, then you might consider something better built but just as loud as the AD50........Traynor YCV20WR can be had shipped for about $525.

If money is no object, then the Mesa amps get by far the most recommends. But Rivera would be my choice if I won the lottery......
that amp (the 30-watt valvetronics one) is my main (and currently only) amp right now, since i've had to put away the monster Bassman 100 stacks now that i'm married with kid and live in a small apt. but it's a very capable modelling practice amp, and if you need to gig with it, just stick a mic in front of it and you're done. but you shouldn't spend 200 bucks on it used - try 100, 150 tops, especially if he really is your friend.

edit- and i agree, it screams with a Gibson LP ;)
ya ebay has them for cheaper but i don't trust ebay with anything electronical. lol but i will be playing Gig's about 2 tiems a week so i need somin a lil more powerful and not waste m oney on effects. i got a good pedal.
IF......IF.......you are careful with your amp, you know like pamper it and never bump it around or knock it over in the back of the van or whatever, if you are careful that Vox amp will hold up just fine. I put caster wheels on the bottom of mine.

That amp comes in AD50VT and AD60VT and AD100VT and AD120VT. The nice thing about the 50 is it's small enough to carry in one hand, it screams enough to use at all jams and small gigs, it has just the right amount of fx built in, it is closed back so it's easy to mic it for larger gigs, and it (and the 100) has a "power soak" knob on the back so you can run the preamp and/or the power amp wide open, but you can still set the speaker volume down low using the power soak without sacrificing your tone. That way you can still use it at home at night, or in the apartment, whatever, without having the cops knock on the door.

It really is hard to beat it for variety of tone at that price point. The 50 has a Celestion 70/80 in it, so it aint no slouch, but it really will scream if you stick a high power Weber in it.

Should be interesting to hear what amp you end up choosing! Keep us posted!
soundchaser59 said:
That amp comes in AD50VT and AD60VT and AD100VT and AD120VT. The nice thing about the 50 is it's small enough to carry in one hand, it screams enough to use at all jams and small gigs, it has just the right amount of fx built in, it is closed back so it's easy to mic it for larger gigs, and it (and the 100) has a "power soak" knob on the back so you can run the preamp and/or the power amp wide open, but you can still set the speaker volume down low using the power soak without sacrificing your tone.

The 30 watter has that as well; I think they all do.
ggunn said:
The 30 watter has that as well; I think they all do.

yep, the powersoak thing is on my 30watter. here's a blurb on the web about it-

The AD30VT is a small (18" x 9" x 17" inches), 30-watt amp with a VOX original 10” speaker. The amp uses chipboard construction with a rugged black textured finish and a silver metal front grill. The main amp controls are “chicken head” pointer knobs. The overall effect is a mix of modern and vintage design. Cost cutting is apparent in the use of plastic corner protectors and handle. It weighs in at 26 lbs. Signal processing and A/D conversion is all 24-bit, 44.1 kHz.
…..The AD30VT features 11 amp models and 9 digital effects. A line/headphone jack is available for direct recording or practicing without disturbing your family and neighbors. A knob on the rear of the amp allows you to adjust the wattage of the amp from 1 to 30 watts so you can crank the master volume to drive the tube power section, yet still play at lower volumes. My test unit had a noticeable hiss that disappeared when I turned the wattage down about a quarter of the way. "
the only way to gig is with 20 amp heads and 40 stacks.you need at least
10,000 watts of tube to keep up with a set of drums.
and your car needs at least 1000 LB tork to hall a tub of ice cream.
I just put in an order for a bigger pennis pump. should be here by next week.
you can always run it through a pa.
I have the AD30VT I got it from GC for $200.00 new less the foot switch(like $30-35 extra).

I love that amp and the soak is very nice when playing small venues(I play coffee shops here and there)......

And for 30watts it gets loud. If you need more power look at the 60watt.

But yeah your buddy is a bit high on the price and dope.
