30 watt VOX


New member
is a 2002 30 watt vox amp worth 200 bucks with foot switch? my friend said hed sell me his for tht and its wat im lookgin for but i don't knwo if i shoudl go with new or not
gibsonguy09 said:
is a 2002 30 watt vox amp worth 200 bucks with foot switch? my friend said hed sell me his for tht and its wat im lookgin for but i don't knwo if i shoudl go with new or not

Does it work and is it less $ than a new one?

Man, i have a fairly cheap Vox...a Pathfinder. It's pretty bad, quite unreliable. I know Vox do a 'Valvetronix' series that are quite good with regards to digital effects...but my money would be on a marshall. I honestly have no idea regards the price of a Marshall MG but I prefer Marshall as a brand....30 watt MG w/ DFX aren't hugey expensive....maybe 250 euro, no idea what that is in dollars. Marshall are British, and where I live, in Ireland, the retail difference between similar Marshalls (British) and Fender (American) can be considerable. Also, Vox are reknowned via the AC30 for crystal clear cean settings. Marshall do a sweet-ass overdrive. Maybe you could check out some fenders, tha'd be a definitve middle-ground; Fenders have nice clean settings (especially if you play with a fender guitar) and their OD is usually pretty good....plus if you're in the US it'll work out cheaper than a Marshall. But some big questions are what kind of music do you play and what make is your guitar?
Ironklad Audio said:
yea dude, if it's an AC30, jump on it....those things are legendary studio workhorses. if not, i dunno

An AC30 for $200? Not likely unless it's blown up or the seller is an idiot.
Ac 30

chinese AC 30 re-issue is about 1200 great british pounds....so....its not an AC 30. Actually though a seemingly common feature of Vox amps is poorly-defined tremelo. even on the AC 30.
KEVIN1600 said:
AC30 $200 bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'll take one.Like the man said not likely. :D :D :eek:

My guess is that it's a Valvetronics; a 30 watter sells new for less than $300. I'm babysitting one now for a friend; it's actually a cool little amp.
ggunn said:
An AC30 for $200? Not likely unless it's blown up or the seller is an idiot.

lol here here

BTW I have a 1970 AC30 & I would argue the whole clean thing, it's a nasty thing (good though).................I used the AC30 & it was always loud enough................. no matter what other amps where there. I used to use it with a fender twin.....................man that killed me for lifting..........FUCK

I also have a 1964 AC30 in the hands of an amp wizard
I got to agree with Slidey on the AC30 tone stack....nothing resembling 'clean'....I'd go 'clear'....but these things are real naughty amps.
gibsonguy09 said:
ya i played it and it is crap. i think im goinna just buy headers for my truck..lol

Wait, i take that back, i used his guitar and i tinhk it was the guitar i dind't like or something because i tok my gibson back and played it and i fell in love with it..lol its an AD30VT good deal?
gibsonguy09 said:
because i tok my gibson back and played it and i fell in love with it..lol its an AD30VT good deal?

That amp sells new for $239.......so if you know and trust the guy who is selling it, and you can guarantee yourself that it is in absolute perfect mint condition and has never had one ounce of abuse or hard knocks, then it might be worth it......just keep in mind you are only saving about $50 bucks including sales tax. If you dont knwo the guy, then it might be worth the extra $50 bucks to just get a new one instead.

That being said, it is a good sounding amp. The solid state preamp does the modelling and the tube is used to simulate a high power output section, and it lasts longer because it is not a high watt tube. I dont know what kind of speaker is in the AD30, probably some budget Celestion custom made for Vox. I can tell you beyond any shadow of a doubt that this amp will sound 10 times better if you replace the speaker with a Weber or Eminence driver, or even a top shelf Celestion. I put a Weber Silver Bell in my AD50VT and it screams!
your friend is an ass for trying to sell the amp to you for that much. Usually I would think friends would sell their friends stuff at a lower price than what guitar center would if they were selling that amp used. Tell him to sell it to you for lower and you'll buy it.
thnks eric, i know i think im just goinna keep on lookign for a better deal, I know teh amp hasn't been realyl abused, just played loud and ALOT! so i think im going to have to pass this one up