20 little things.


New member
Over the last year or so as i've been getting into this I have noticed a couple of very general concepts that I think by. Please feel free to comment on them, love me for them, hate me for them, maybe even agree with me??? Just tell me what you think! By the way these are in no specific order.

Well, here they go:

1. If What goes in is shitty, than the best that can come out is shitty. (Some very expensive plug-ins make this kinda iffy)

2. Always seek advice.

4. Just because you've done something a million times with sucsess doesn't mean it'll be that way the million and first.

5. If someone gives you a hint or tip, do not think it will solve your problems with out work. All cases are different and its most likely that it wont.

6. Everyone is bias in one way or an other.

7. Listen god damn it!!!!

8. There is no such thing as a slacker engineer. You are either a slacker or an engineer.

9. Don't let anyone tell you you can't face the mic the wrong way, what sounds good sounds good (kinda a metaphor).

10. Perfection is imperfection.

11. Like it or don't waste ur time.

12. Loud does not = good.

13. Short cuts can only give you a short cut sound.

14. You can't become a good engineer over night.


16. My car speakers are the worst speakers ever!!!

17. Third time has never been the charm.

18. Don't ask for advice if your not gonna take it.

19. Money does not make the engineer.

20. Just because building a studio is hard doesn't mean you should fall into the trap of buying a ton of studio foam. If you don't want to learn to make it then don't make it all!

I tried to make 20, yes some may repeat and no I don't care. Just had to throw out something even if you guys think im an ass for it :D .

Thanks guys,

Ben, those are probably the twenty wisest things ever posted together in the history of this forum. Nice to know there are a still a few people out there who "get it." :) You got points for this one.

SouthSIDE Glen- Thanks a lot man! I'm just trying to make my way in this like everyone else. I'm still new to this and trying to obtain as much knowledge from as many people as I can. I figure the more I hear the more I know so why not treat everyone like an equal and listen to everyone?!? You don't know it doesn't work 'til you try it yourself! Incase you couldn't tell by my bad grammar or anything else I am only 15 years old, so I'm a bit surprised to know that I'm wise or that I get it, but hey you probably know what your saying more than me hahaha. Thanks again man!

Anyone else? I'd love to hear what anyone else has to add!


emergencyexit said:
Over the last year or so as i've been getting into this I have noticed a couple of very general concepts that I think by. Please feel free to comment on them, love me for them, hate me for them, maybe even agree with me??? Just tell me what you think! By the way these are in no specific order.

Well, here they go:

1. If What goes in is shitty, than the best that can come out is shitty. (Some very expensive plug-ins make this kinda iffy)
generally agreed
2. Always seek advice.
I don't agree. You don't always need advice. See your #6!!
Ok...who stole #3??
4. Just because you've done something a million times with sucsess doesn't mean it'll be that way the million and first.
only breathing in...heart beats...maybe stuff like that I have done a million times. Nothing about recording, nearly that much, and I doubt if anyone else has either
5. If someone gives you a hint or tip, do not think it will solve your problems with out work. All cases are different and its most likely that it wont.
I don't believe in negatisim, and tend to believe most things WILL work. I have received numerous tips that have saved me A LOT of work.
6. Everyone is bias in one way or an other. I presume you mean "biased"... and if you're equating to "opinions", I agree

7. Listen god damn it!!!!
I can do that without the overexcitement (and the "G" is capatilized, btw) and listening usually is a requirement for mixing, recording, etc...isn't it??
8. There is no such thing as a slacker engineer. You are either a slacker or an engineer.
by whos definition?

9. Don't let anyone tell you you can't face the mic the wrong way, what sounds good sounds good (kinda a metaphor).
But cheap Chineese mics off axis usually always sound poorly, and unless you are going for an "effect", I will always tell the non-informed their mic is facing the wrong way....even a nice AKG451
10. Perfection is imperfection. huh?
11. Like it or don't waste ur time. again, huh?
12. Loud does not = good. tell that to Hendrix or the WHO or Vanhalen. Usually it sounds better due the the F/Munson curve.
13. Short cuts can only give you a short cut sound. This can easily be entirely false. editing is an example.

14. You can't become a good engineer over night. True

15. NEVER MIX FOR OVER 10 HOURS STRAIT! unless you are on a time frame and the client is happy... and I suppose breaks were allowed!
16. My car speakers are the worst speakers ever!!! Never owned a transister radio, eh?
17. Third time has never been the charm.
You have never had a killer 3rd take?? the first to warm up, the 2nd to get the feel going, and the 3rd to "nail it"
18. Don't ask for advice if your not gonna take it. I disagree. I sometimes like to hear/weigh all options, then make my own decision.
19. Money does not make the engineer. Never read that!!... but I guess that rules out recording schools, and the gifted student.
20. Just because building a studio is hard doesn't mean you should fall into the trap of buying a ton of studio foam. If you don't want to learn to make it then don't make it all! eh... there are plenty of fine studios without acoustically perfect spaces. Depends on the target goals, I would think.I tried to make 20, yes some may repeat and no I don't care. Just had to throw out something even if you guys think im an ass for it :D .

Thanks guys,
Your welcome... nice post
Cloneboy Studio said:
Forgot one:

21.) Neither analog or digital equals superior sound. The musicians, songwriting, and engineer determine superior sound.

Slide that in the #3 spots that's missing to make an even 20. ;)
"10. Perfection is imperfection."

I agree.

"13. Short cuts can only give you a short cut sound."

I disagree. Speedy workflow means happy clients and efficient hours.

Nice post.

the tortoise
#22: If something sucks, then don't do it. Unless you actually want it to suck, as some sort of artistic effect. In which case, you're probably weird. Or perhaps just way ahead of your time. I mean, who's to say that what sucks now won't sound brilliant 25 years from now? It took a while for the Beatles to get signed, afterall, and plenty of people thought that they sucked at the time (record execs who didn't think they had what it took to make it, etc.). But then again, for every Beatles, there's an Ace of Base. And I don't know about you, but I think they suck and should never have been signed. Except for that one song "I saw the sign." That's a pretty good one. It has sort of an infectious beat. Infectious. Now there's a word for you. When was the last time I used the word "infectious?" It's been a while. I guess I don't think Ace of Base are really that bad, though. Not as bad as a band like the Outfield, Huey Lewis or Katrina and the Waves. Speaking of waves ... I once tried to surf, and got my ass kicked by a big 'ol wave. That sucked. Final Score: Wave = 10, Chessrock = 0. If I ever go surfing again, I am going to make sure I wear swim trunks next time. The really tight, sexy kind. Like a Speedo, so that I can really show off my svelt figure and attractive build. I want to impress the chicks. I like chicks. Especially the kind on the beach, in their sexy bikinis. Not that the bikinis themselves are sexy, because let's face it; there's nothing particularly sexy about fabric. It's the way the females look in the bikini that I think is sexy. Like in that song : "I'm too sexy for my cat." I wonder if the guy who wrote that song really thinks he's too sexy for his pet (?) Do pets ponder the attractiveness of their owner? Are physical characteristics important to them, or are they more concerned with things like playing, eating, and / or sleeping? If you were a house pet ... what kind would you be? I don't think I'd want to be a hampster, because kids are always picking them up all the time and dropping them. And they die pretty quickly ... just like gold fish. I don't think I'd want to be a gold fish either, because all they do is swim around. Do you think they get bored?
Ace of Bass

Awwww.... I like Ace of Bass.

"She Leads a Lonely Life. - - - hmmmm ----- She Leads a Lonely Life. - - - hmmmm "

#23 - Stay positive, stay cool.
chessrock said:
#22: If something sucks, then don't do it. Unless you actually want it to suck, as some sort of artistic effect. In which case, you're probably weird. Or perhaps just way ahead of your time. I mean, who's to say that what sucks now won't sound brilliant 25 years from now? It took a while for the Beatles to get signed, afterall, and plenty of people thought that they sucked at the time (record execs who didn't think they had what it took to make it, etc.). But then again, for every Beatles, there's an Ace of Base. And I don't know about you, but I think they suck and should never have been signed. Except for that one song "I saw the sign." That's a pretty good one. It has sort of an infectious beat. Infectious. Now there's a word for you. When was the last time I used the word "infectious?" It's been a while. I guess I don't think Ace of Base are really that bad, though. Not as bad as a band like the Outfield, Huey Lewis or Katrina and the Waves. Speaking of waves ... I once tried to surf, and got my ass kicked by a big 'ol wave. That sucked. Final Score: Wave = 10, Chessrock = 0. If I ever go surfing again, I am going to make sure I wear swim trunks next time. The really tight, sexy kind. Like a Speedo, so that I can really show off my svelt figure and attractive build. I want to impress the chicks. I like chicks. Especially the kind on the beach, in their sexy bikinis. Not that the bikinis themselves are sexy, because let's face it; there's nothing particularly sexy about fabric. It's the way the females look in the bikini that I think is sexy. Like in that song : "I'm too sexy for my cat." I wonder if the guy who wrote that song really thinks he's too sexy for his pet (?) Do pets ponder the attractiveness of their owner? Are physical characteristics important to them, or are they more concerned with things like playing, eating, and / or sleeping? If you were a house pet ... what kind would you be? I don't think I'd want to be a hampster, because kids are always picking them up all the time and dropping them. And they die pretty quickly ... just like gold fish. I don't think I'd want to be a gold fish either, because all they do is swim around. Do you think they get bored?

Get this man a cap and a speedo. Oh yeah and a Glock.
No girlfriends in the studio

No shooting up in the toilet

buy a soldering iron and learn how to use it

No mixing stoned....unless the client is more stoned than you
emergencyexit said:

I actually generally say no one but the band and me in the studio.

Any others?? Keep them coming!


learn how to play your instrument, and don't expect the studio to be a substitute for such.
knowing how to intonate and tune a gtr doesn't hurt either :)
You take that back!

I like Ace of Base. And Lucky Love is a good song. Beautiful Life is another good song. Life is a Flower is also a really good song.

Now you go stand in the corner for saying they suck. :p

J/K, I get it that not every one likes the same bands. Else we wouldn't have the UK pop charts and the US pop charts and the world pop charts and then the R&B charts and the rock charts and so on. :)