(2) 8-channel interfaces?

Looks like the unit has optical outs. Just need a cable to connect the second unit to the main one.

From the specs from Maudio:

"Standalone operation

The ProFire 2626 doubles as a standalone 8-channel preamp, 8-channel A/D-D/A converter and digital format converter. In standalone mode, the eight analog inputs route to the first eight ADAT optical output channels. This facilitates use of the line, instrument and mic ins—including the preamps—with other digital gear. Similarly, the first eight ADAT optical input channels feed the eight analog outputs to provide D/A functionality. You can also disable the D/A conversion to allow the analog input channels to route to both the analog and ADAT optical outputs—transforming the ProFire 2626 into a standalone 8-channel mic pre with eight discrete analog outputs plus 8-channel ADAT output. When the second optical port is not used for A/D conversion, the ProFire 2626 can also convert coaxial S/PDIF to optical S/PDIF."

I am not a guy who uses firewire, so not sure what that involves. All I know is that a DAW will only recognize one ASIO driver at a time. Therefore the reason for using one unit that has ADAT inputs.
Looks like the unit has optical outs. Just need a cable to connect the second unit to the main one.

From the specs from Maudio:

"Standalone operation

The ProFire 2626 doubles as a standalone 8-channel preamp, 8-channel A/D-D/A converter and digital format converter. In standalone mode, the eight analog inputs route to the first eight ADAT optical output channels. This facilitates use of the line, instrument and mic ins—including the preamps—with other digital gear. Similarly, the first eight ADAT optical input channels feed the eight analog outputs to provide D/A functionality. You can also disable the D/A conversion to allow the analog input channels to route to both the analog and ADAT optical outputs—transforming the ProFire 2626 into a standalone 8-channel mic pre with eight discrete analog outputs plus 8-channel ADAT output. When the second optical port is not used for A/D conversion, the ProFire 2626 can also convert coaxial S/PDIF to optical S/PDIF."

I am not a guy who uses firewire, so not sure what that involves. All I know is that a DAW will only recognize one ASIO driver at a time. Therefore the reason for using one unit that has ADAT inputs.

I have been doing some research myself, and this is just FYI, the S/PDIF is two channel only. Separate channels, but just two.

I had never looked at the ADAT into too much detail before, but it looks like it it limited to 8 (could just be the hardware in this case), but that is still pretty good. One interface (USB/Firewire) ADAT for extension (but still one interface). That gives a lot of options. I would assume that the latency would go up much if at all as the hardware would do the conversion and the USB/Firewire interface is just a data pass through without additional load.
I got a new Audient ASP008 recently for $1700. It has 8 pres and converters. Works pretty well IMO. Has lots of useful features.
I have been doing some research myself, and this is just FYI, the S/PDIF is two channel only. Separate channels, but just two.

I had never looked at the ADAT into too much detail before, but it looks like it it limited to 8 (could just be the hardware in this case), but that is still pretty good. One interface (USB/Firewire) ADAT for extension (but still one interface). That gives a lot of options. I would assume that the latency would go up much if at all as the hardware would do the conversion and the USB/Firewire interface is just a data pass through without additional load.

Yep, ADAT is a 8 channel digital input. Not sure technically what it would be called, but it is a direct digital signal that can be sent to DAW with a device that has the input ability. Some units (like mine) have two ADAT inputs, allowing 16 added channels from devices that have ADAT outputs.

S/Pdif is just a two channel digital input or output.

And no latency is added by using ADAT as far as I know.
I'm using a digimax d8 (adat) and a toneport UX2 (s/pdif) into my 2626 for a total of 18 in at the moment.

I actually prefer the xmax pres to the octane pres. The UX2 only gets used for scratch tracks, the pres are horrible.
I'm using a digimax d8 (adat) and a toneport UX2 (s/pdif) into my 2626 for a total of 18 in at the moment.

I actually prefer the xmax pres to the octane pres. The UX2 only gets used for scratch tracks, the pres are horrible.

Are you seeing 18 inputs on the computer, or just have 18 inputs? For me right now, 18 inputs would be way more than I require, but it is nice to know what to look for to be able to expand as required. Next unit will require ADAT.
I have 18 inputs on my computer yes. I could record 18 individual microphone's on their own tracks if I wanted.

Even with recording a full band all at once though I only ended up using 15 and doing some overdubs afterwords.

I actually am thinking of eventually picking up one of those ADA8000s because while the D8 is a decent set of pres, it doesn't expand your outputs. I currently only have 8. 8 is ok if you do mono headphone mixes but I would prefer a few more so I could run stereo setups (just seems nicer setup).
I have 18 inputs on my computer yes. I could record 18 individual microphone's on their own tracks if I wanted.

Even with recording a full band all at once though I only ended up using 15 and doing some overdubs afterwords.

I actually am thinking of eventually picking up one of those ADA8000s because while the D8 is a decent set of pres, it doesn't expand your outputs. I currently only have 8. 8 is ok if you do mono headphone mixes but I would prefer a few more so I could run stereo setups (just seems nicer setup).

Keep us posted, I am wanting to move into live recording and thinking of going Portastudio for flexibility, something like this with the right setup could work with a laptop, to do live recordings (after getting something with an ADAT interface). But I now have an idea of what I want on my next interface.