1.5 hrs

Hey gj.....
I think this is the first ive heard of yours. Cool! You could have that kick drum end the song by falling into a heartbeat rhythm and fading out. I like man.....cool stuff!

Thanks everybody for your time and comments;
first to the common question - the vinyl-crackling-paperrustling sound comes from a small plug-in called grungelizer

thanks, track rat

jamal - thanks for your time&patience (the synth is soft plug-in Waldorf PPG wave) I will spend more than 2hours on it!

mmm sam, that gif smells.... thx, thats the mood I intended

brent, thanks 4 listening, & what "poppy" tune do you mean?

voxvendor - oh I didn't thought that the influence from the past is still that big.. 10-12 years ago I was the biggest Depeche Mode fan

hey chris, cool that u liked it - the moog comes also from the Waldorf plug-in

(maybe I should mention at this point that everything excepting the guitar comes from VST plug-ins)

participant - wow - "the best of 80's" - that's a real compliment!!

joro & SOUND DIAGNOSIS - thanks for listening away at "that one note", of course Im gonna fix it, though Im glad that I mentioned it at the beginning

rick, I have to thank u!

glad you enjoyed, doug! (Crak Sagen?)

dtb, thx!

hey g, hope is not gonna be the last one - thx!

Hey, groove. I really dig how you throw in electronic elements in your stuff. I was experimenting with the rock+electronic combination awhile back. Listening to your stuff makes me wanna go back and try harder!

Good work

ouch, double typo

Carl Sagen

He did this made for tv universe in a nutshell thing called Cosmos a million (billion) years ago and this Vangelous (spelt?) guy did the soundtrack, or the series used some of his songs.

There were these scenes where Carl was at the helm of the "spaceship of your mind" travelling though nebulas and shit talking about how the universe is filled with "billions and billions" of these and those all the while this trippy synth music is playing in the background.
AAAAARRRGGGGHHHHHHH.....I'm giving up now.This doesn't sound like you pulled it outta your ass.Why does mine sound like I pulled it outta my ass!F*ck me ...Great groove.Your guitar playin is certainly not what you hyped it to be.It's fine and nice sound and delay FX.Good work