1.5 hrs


New member
tough game!!
after I finished I thought "can't post that guitar" but a game's a game!
-- since I'm not yet a good guitar player please "close" your ears especially at 0:39-0:44 => but I followed the rules and really stopped recording and mixing after 1,5hrs so I couldn't play the guitar 1000 times more... I wish I've been started recording the guitar...


even though, it was fun!!
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ok now were talkin...

what are you complaining about...?...this sounds fine?!?!..
it s really good really..ok one wrong note..big deal...lol..seriously i I WISH i only had one......that little synth deal is cool..what is that?..i mean what are you useing for that??..now spend like 2 WHOLE hours on it and make it golden!!!!

nice work...
Kewl Tune.
how did you get that "poppy" record thing that 's going on in sync with the drums?

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My favorite part was the flatty on the guitar...Because it was the last note in that section, so you got the full effect of it (with the full delay :D ). I pictured you hitting that note, and just stopping altogether with a very pronounced curse word under your breath.

Way to play by the rules. I enjoyed it much. I'd almost like that vinyl effect to be a little lower in the mix (next time ;) )

Cool work. Is that some kind of a moog patch?

Oh yeah, and live by my motto: On the guitar, you're NEVER more than a half step away!!

real smooth, I like that feel. It can be matured into a real kickin piece of music. makes me wanna go hunt up one of them dark eyed black haired spanish womens.
Yeah, I like it a lot. Everything went together so well, a lot going on at the same time and they all fit together. Thats hard to do I think. Good job. Mellow, groovy goodness.
Very cool man except for "That one note" :D

You out to punch in and fix it....

Ummm.. I hear some snap crackle and pop though....like listening to a vinyl disk....hmmmm...

Cool groove dude.....

Rock on man,
Joe :D
Whoa... are you rolling j's and playing the keys with your toes or something? lol... some paper rustling... nice effect...

Nice effect... good chord changes... much better than my 1.5 3-chord jagoff... lmao...

reminded of the best of the 80's music... and I hated most of that... so that's a high compliment. Nice entry... nothing to be ashamed of.

I dig it, man... :p

groovy. :p

I like the "crackling" sound you got goin' on... that gives it its "character".

Screw the "one note", I wasn't even paying attention. I am a "vibe-seeker", and this was smooth and mellow. The vinyl sound is something I have to get used to....again. I am old. LOL
Good stuff. Keep it goin'!
Groovy little melody. All it needed was a video of Crak Sagen going "billions and billions"