Ward Beck T1202 Restoration


New member
Hey Folks! Really glad to be here. Long time reader but new poster. Wonderful forum.

So I bought a ward beck T1202 sidecar console recently for a really nice price. To my surprise after 15 years of sitting in a closet it powers up and all the modules pass signal. I have started to clean out the frame and am in the process of recapping all the modules and power supply. Cleaning all the faceplates etc. Has been really fun for my OCD ;)

Now I have two questions (for the time being).

1. The general consensus is that the mid band is not very usable due to the q in both positions being too narrow. I was wondering how I could widen it. On the schematic I have found the two resistors I think are responsible for setting the q width. Is it as simple as just switching these out? If so does anyone have any recommendations for what to replace them with?

2. All the preamps have the same blown resistor. Looking at the schematic it has to do with the EQ on LED. Doesn't seem to cause any problems for audio as they all still pass audio with eq engaged etc. Im wondering if anyone could help me trace down why this happened. Also is it a good idea to just replace all the resistors or does anyone think it will just happen again due to a larger problem.

Pics below for context.

Pic 1: Schematic

Pic 2: Area showing the resistor thats blown. (R26)

Pic 3: Area showing the resistor thats blown.Area where I believe the Q width is dealt with (R39, R45)

Pic 4: The Blown resistor.

Im not sure why my pictures are sideways. Sorry about that


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Hi Matt,
Welcome to the forums!
I'm not sure how much help I can be but I'm interested to see how you get on with this.

Always great to have a new member and I hope you stick around, but have you looked up the WBS preservation forums?
I got some great help and advice there when I racked up 2 m470s and 8 m490s a number of years ago.
I still use the 470s regularly and love them; The 490s need a nice new box/case, though. I should really get on that.

There are a few people out there, racking and modifying various WBS modules, who are very knowledgeable about all things WBS!
I think, maybe, there's a FB page or group?

WBS rule of thumb : If in doubt, clean the switches.
If that didn't help, clean them again. ;)
Hi Matt,
Welcome to the forums!
I'm not sure how much help I can be but I'm interested to see how you get on with this.

Always great to have a new member and I hope you stick around, but have you looked up the WBS preservation forums?
I got some great help and advice there when I racked up 2 m470s and 8 m490s a number of years ago.
I still use the 470s regularly and love them; The 490s need a nice new box/case, though. I should really get on that.

There are a few people out there, racking and modifying various WBS modules, who are very knowledgeable about all things WBS!
I think, maybe, there's a FB page or group?

WBS rule of thumb : If in doubt, clean the switches.
If that didn't help, clean them again. ;)

Hahah thanks Steenarmaroo! I have been reading a lot on WBPS. Great resource. Thanks for the reply. Nice collection of ward becks you have!
Thanks. :)

With that blown resistor I think I'd be looking at the power supply first, and making sure the +/- 18V are what they seem.
If you're not using the original power supply then I'd probably just replace the resistors and test. Maybe test with only one or two modules for a while...

The Q seems pretty clear cut, since there's a switch already. You would think decreasing the value of r39 would be what you're after?
I'd probably temporarily lift one end of r39 and replace with a 200k pot, then see what happens.
As always, though, play at your own risk. :)

Not sure what layout your modules + console have but, fwiw, I put a pad between input A+B on the card connectors, and wired the 48V through an unused switch per module, on m 490s.
Edit : Just looked - Yours are kitted out already.

Hope you update us on your findings.