Search results

  1. K

    Behringer B2031A speakers

    I have an opportunity to pick up some B2031A monitors for relatively cheap (<$225 for a pair). Does anyone have any experience with these? If I get them, they would be my first real monitors. I currently do all of my work through Sennheiser HD280 headphones (!), so anything above that is an...
  2. K

    Layout suggestions?

    OK, so I've been trying to record some stuff in practice room, and I'm curious as to how much sound-proofing (and setting up panels, etc) would really benefit me. Yes, I know that a sound-proofed room is always better than a un-soundproofed room, but just how much of a difference would it...
  3. K

    Live mixing techniques?

    So, I've started doing some simple home recording, and have been introduced to some great techniques for cleaning up the mud (compression, eq'ing, etc) (thanks everyone!). Anyways, I'm curious if these EQ'ing and compression techniques are often applied to live shows-- I'm thinking of a few...