Behringer B2031A speakers


New member
I have an opportunity to pick up some B2031A monitors for relatively cheap (<$225 for a pair). Does anyone have any experience with these? If I get them, they would be my first real monitors. I currently do all of my work through Sennheiser HD280 headphones (!), so anything above that is an upgrade.

Are there better monitors in that ~$250 price range (used, likely)?
I have a pair I gave up using due to radio interference. No matter where I put them in my house, I'd hear a radio station. Behringer's tech support was very helpful but couldn't fix the problem. My KRK Rockit 8's don't have the problem. In the same locations.
I have had a pair of the B2031A for about five years and they work fine. (I also have other monitors that sound far better.) I would not use them for professional work but they are certainly good enough for a beginner.

Behringer's quality control is not the best in the world. Some folks who get stuck with a lemon end up cursing the company forever. I have never had a problem with mine.

It is hard to describe the sound quality. They are slightly muddy compared to my other monitors, but only by a little. My other ones seem slightly clearer, have more air, and better stereo imaging. These are far more accurate than most consumer stereo speakers, but not quite as good as many of the pro studio monitors out there. Close, but not quite. Like Weasel said, for not much more money you can upgrade to better. But if it is all that you can afford, it's a good place to start. They are clearly good enough to mix a demo for a local band.

As with any monitor, you will learn to make them translate to other systems.

Good luck with them.
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