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  1. T

    My dumb question of the day: What does roll off mean

    OK so I get the general idea that "roll off" the bass means reduce the bass, but what is "roll off" is that reduce something in particuar, a gradual decrease down the frequencies or just another word for reduce. Thanks, I have many more of these dumb questions :)
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    Can you recommend a low cost Spectrum Analyzer for EQ

    I've read a lot of stuff about how to change eq on different instruments so they don't interfere with each other. Problem is that those spectrum analysis pics they use always have these nice curves on the audio whereas mine are always up and down. I use Sound Forge which has a spectrum...
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    Question about mixing drum loops (effects etc.)

    Not sure of the best forum to put this. I recently bought a set of Beta Monkey drum loops, which are great. However they are VERY dry. Does anyone have any tips for what to do in my mixing program to get them sounding more real, reverb, eq, compression. I have some knowledge but I'm not...
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    Can you suggest me a new guitar in the $500 price range

    I am not a very experienced guitar player and I only use a guitar for headphones and home recording. I finally feel I have outgrown my Behringer Starter guitar. I just can't bring myself to spend $1000 for an American Strat or similar. I have a POD XT (no comments needed :D ) which I love...
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    Advice about lessons for my 10 year old

    My 10 year old wants to play guitar. He's your typical Californian 10 year old, not very motivated, doesn't do his homework etc. I suspect that the traditional learning will not work for him (scales, read music, play something in about 6 months :) ). I am thinking I should suggest to the...
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    Can you recommend some drum loop CD's

    Hopefully this is a simple question. I like to use drum loops and have a number of Sonic Foundry CD's. Just looking for some more variety so can anyone recommend any specific drum loop cd's for use with Rock/Pop music. Thanks Tony
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    V-Amp2 v Bass V-Amp

    I've got about $100 to spend and it seems the V-Amp is the best option in that price range. This would be used mainly for direct, home recording, mainly just for fun. I was set on the V-Amp2 but recently read that the bass v-amp has settings for guitar, keyboards and vocals, all of which would...
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    Alesis SR16 Questions

    I've seen these now for around $80-$100 on ebay. For a home/hobby musician is this is a good / the best unit for this price ??? When using this can you, for example, program a bass drum kick to repeat on pattern, then manually hit the pads for snare etc ? Does the unit have a number of...
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    Your thoughts on melodies and chords

    Just wondering how others work on this. I am quite capable of working out a chord progression and coming up with a, usually, simple melody. After a while though this gets pretty boring. I am also capable of singing a good melody to some lyrics but without musical training I don't know what...
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    Can you recommend my second Electric Guitar

    Hi there, despite being a 40 year old old fart I only recently learned to play guitar. I bought my son a cheapo Behringer Strat Copy and when he didn't use it I learned to play. I think I'm ready to step up in guitar but no too far since it's only a hobby. I have a few questions. 1) Will it...
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    noob Pre Amp for Vocal Mic Question

    Hi there, I'm pretty new to this stuff. I have been recording my vocals into a Zoom PS04 portable digital recorder using a SM58 copy mic. I have been getting volume problems but nothing terrible. The recorder includes effects patches that can be used to improve things and it does have a GAIN...