Search results

  1. F

    DPS 16 users

    I have been working on a couple of songs on my akai for a little while now and I have noticed something strange. When I create a new project at 24bit/48hz I can play back 16 tracks at a time. The meter that (I guess) tells you cpu usage doesn't max out or anything. It works just like 16bit...
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    Anybody heard about the tascam DM-24? I might be loooking for a new mixer sometime this year and this thing sure does look nice.;)
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    Mic Cable Question for R.E.

    I am looking at getting some good cable(finally) and was wondering about something. In my Full Compass catalog they have a list of Mogami XLR to XLR cables. The list has two products for each length, with the only difference being one says Quad and one says AES/EBU. Keep in mind this is a...
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    bass/guitar DI question

    I was wondering if anybody knew which direct recording device(POD 2.0, J Station, DG Stomp, RP2000) would be best for someone who like to record music that ranges for Dub Reggae to Death Metal. I would like to be able to use the same unit for guitar and bass, if possible. I already know that...
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    chea ass overheads

    anybody using NT3's as overheads? sorry if this has been covered, but for some reason I can't get the search to work.
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    my drums suck

    actually, my drums (yamaha stage custom) are decent, but my room sucks. Therefor, my recordings suck. Anyway I was wondering what someone might suggest as a setup with the following mics. 1 - NT3 1 - NT2 1 - ATPro 25 3 - SM57's 1 - AT KitPack (2 snare/tom mics & 2 kick/tom mics the drums...
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    behringer ultragain pro

    has anybody had any experience with this cheap ($150)"tube" mic pre? I was hoping that I would be able to test one, but no body near me can get it. I have a bad feeling that it falls into the catergory of not so great cheap gear, but I hope it is another behringer "composer" quality product.
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    equipment cases

    I was wondering if anybody knows where I might find some cases for my shiny new equipment. :) I have tried all of the places I can think of, yet still have not come across any. I really need one for my Akai DPS16, because I have to carry it to my drummer's house to record his drums. Help me...
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    ADAT to PC to ADAT to PC to . . . .

    HI All I was wondering how someone would go about recording with a single XT20 and a PC with a soundcard(lexicon core 2) featuring an ADAT interface. I am not as dumb as I sound. At least I hope not. :p Anyway, this is my scenario: I live in an apartment in which I cannot record drums...
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    what should I do?

    HELP!! I need help. I am trying to decide what type of portable multitrack to get. I currently am running a PC/core 2 system, but I need something I can carry. My neighbors finally got pissed and decided either I quit recording at home or move out of my building. I will therefor be...
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    akai dps16

    I am very close to purchasing one of these multitracks, but I have been unable to find any information on akai's MESA software editor. Have any of you tried editing with your PC via MESA? Akai's website is vague but does say a SCSI connection is needed(duh) any info is appreciated
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    how many tracks at once?

    I know this is a simple question, but I was just wondering. I have an fd4 and I want to record more tracks at one for live gigs. I have two submixers I use, but I want to keep the track a little more seperated. I was thinking of getting an fd8, but someone told me you can only record two...
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    help with n-tracks and midi

    I am in need of some help regarding the demo version of n-tracks I downloaded from the link in this site. Here's the scenario: My computer is being fixed so I have to use my backup, which happens to be a moody compaq. I downloaded n-tracks yesterday so I could download a midi data file and send...