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  1. G

    Help needed: new amp radio noise/distortion

    I just got my Mesa Boogie Rectoverb head. I bought a 2x12 cab also and they gave me a used speaker cable with it. I get home, plug in the amp, and start playing on the clean channel - sounds great. Then it suddenly goes massively distorted (ugly distortion) and the radio starts blaring through...
  2. G

    African inspired tune - feedback please This is Paul Simon inspired. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!
  3. G

    Building an amp isolation box - help!

    I work at an office furniture manufacturer as a draftsman. I want to have an amp isolation box built for my musicman (2x12). Anyone have a link or any info on how to build one? I was thinking MDF and maybe some foam on the inside. But how do you build it so you can access the front panel, keep...
  4. G

    Feedback on metal-ISH tune pleeze

    Wondering what you all think of this tune. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!