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  1. P

    caught between "put very little on mix bus - that's the mastering job, " and "make the mix sound as good as possible"

    Caught between "put very little on mix bus - that's the mastering job" and "make the mix sound as good as possible" long title, but appropriate question. Say you're mixing a single. I hear two main thoughts out there to deliver the mix to a mastering house - 1. put as little effects on the...
  2. P

    using tone correction plugin RICH (2getheraudio)

  3. P

    using tone correction plugin RICH (2getheraudio)

    I'm going to try and post a before and after mix of "You Give Love a Bad Name", a Bon Jovi song we played around with as a band. About a year ago I mixed #1 , and about a month ago I mixed #13 using some tone correction from RICH (2getheraudio plugin). There's a major difference...
  4. P

    Hanging By A Moment - unplugged acoustic cover

    I love this. Sounds really nice, performance and spacial properties. You were wondering about getting all the muddiness out. I don't think it's muddy, but I think it could get a little clearer. There's a great mix bus plugin called RICH from 2getheraudio. It's one of those free ones that...
  5. P

    mixing a bluegrass backing track

    I didn't like the guitar layering as it was, so I re-recorded a rhythm track in stereo, and blended in another guitar in mono dead center. I also added a mandolin. It should be off to the singer.
  6. P

    mixing a bluegrass backing track

    This is a bluegrass backing track to a song I wrote. A friend wrote some lyrics and she will be singing on top of this later. I have 4 acoustic guitars total. The song is in Am, and guitar #L is panned left playing rhythm with no capo, guitar #R is panned right playing rhythm capoed on the...
  7. P

    2getheraudio RICH plugin

    2getheraudio makes RICH, a cool new plugin. This is really a nice mastering or mix bus plugin for cheap. It's like a sonic enhancer. It works really well especially in bringing air and shine to the mix. Here's a couple of clips of a song I'm working on, with RICH enabled and with RICH bypassed.
  8. P

    a mix using saturation

    I mixed a song both ways, using saturation on the mix bus and using no saturation... and then a/b them every 5 seconds. The first 5s has no saturation, the second 5s does, etc... I'm not sure which one I like better yet, but I think maybe split the difference with the saturation between the two...
  9. P

    I think I'm lost LOL

    You've got to admit, when it comes to mixing using plugins, the combinations of ways to mix is infinite. There are different orders for each chain, different eq's, different compressions, and what I found out tonight is there are tons of different ways to saturate. I didn't have any...
  10. P

    Waves "Abbey Road Saturator Plugin"

    It was on sale so I grabbed it last night. It's a very good sounding plugin for saturation. It does things I never knew could sound that good.
  11. P

    Question about dynamic range

    I haven't been mastering very long, and I kind of borrowed this mixer setup in Pro Tools from a youtube video. But I may have some things out of order, IDK. My main question involves the dynamic range which I can't get above 2 for long term. I have no compressors or limiter on the master...
  12. P

    Offline bouncing

    I believe my computer isn’t doing the offline bouncing very well. I’m getting odd sonic quality. Back to real-time bouncing.
  13. P

    "Freeze" and "Commit" -- What do they do?

    What do "freeze" and "commit" do for a track? I run Pro Tools 12.6.1 I know I could read the tutorial but I'm asking here first.
  14. P

    Do You Hear What I Hear?

    Kind of a trick question to get you to click. Ha. Actually this is one I put together for Christmas, playing all the instruments and mixing. It's the classic "Do You Hear What I Hear". I'm making this mp3 public, you can do whatever with it. I'm always open to ideas on the mix. Yeah, I...
  15. P

    Hooking up a better preamp to an audio interface pre

    Don't do what I've done for a long time... I used to go out from the better preamp into the audio interface's preamp input. Preamp to preamp. When I realized you're supposed to go out of the first preamp into a line level input on the interface, the tone of the preamp came to life. LOL
  16. P

    Expecting that 5-10% that mastering does in a final mix?

    I'm trying to learn as much about mixing as possible. I know that you try to get your final mixes sounding as good as possible. But you shouldn’t put anything on the mix buss (that’s for the mastering engineer). And the mastering process is just the 5-10% extra which is making it ready for...
  17. P

    simulating a warm preamp

    I've been working on simulating a warm sounding preamp and this is one way, I think, one can do this. Actually I'm just mixing the vocal.. but I've always been told to clean up the lows on vocals. But here's what you get if you raise the lows. You get a nice warm sound. Using a Neumann TLM102.
  18. P


    Yeah I'm a newbie. I have always just put reverb in the mix on each track with a send to a common reverb plugin. But never put it on the master before.. Wow, what a difference! You can thicken it up and do all sorts of cool things. All I Need - Banjo Hangout Jukebox
  19. P

    mixing techniques and retaining the purity of raw music

    I didn't really know where to post this, but here seems ok, because it involves mixing techniques. I've been offered to work along side someone who works with commercial audio productions, like lingos and short 15s clips. It sounded good at first. But my passion is mixing acoustic music...
  20. P

    Equation Audio F-20 vs Neumann TLM102

    I own an Equation Audio F-20 large diaphragm condenser and a TLM102 large diaphragm condenser. I run the signal either through my Golden Age Pre73jr into the Steinberg UR44 audio interface, or go straight into the interface preamps without the Golden Age pre in line. This is a comparison of...