Search results

  1. E

    Drums Recording

    This is probably the most asked question, but I want to get really amazing drum sounds, from the recording. Just to make the mixing easier. I would love to hear all the crazy ideas; I don't want to just do the standard micing on every part, I want to do something to make my drums sound special...
  2. E

    Some questions on mixing drums

    Hey, I have a few things I wanted to know about mixing drums. Firstly, someone I know said that when he mixed he put in a sub kick on the kick beats, quietly, just to make them bigger. This seemed like a great idea, and I was wondering if there was any way to do this on Cubase 5? Another...
  3. E

    University courses!?

    Hey all, I'm pretty sure there's nowhere in the forum for anything like this, so I'll just go ahead and put it here. I'm going to university (hopefully) in September and I would really like to go somewhere other than the UK. Anyone got any info? I'm looking to study music technology. I have...
  4. E

    Parallel Compression - New York Drums?

    Hey all, I've been taking mixing lessons from a professional and he's showed me a technique called New York Drums, or parallel compression. I get the basics, but could someone give me some useful tips and maybe a simple walkthrough? I have Cubase 5 with the standard inserts, no waves plugins...
  5. E

    Studio monitors

    Hey everyone, I'm not sure if this is in the right place. I have around £150, is this enough to buy any decent studio monitors (pair)? I'll be going to uni in a year, and I would like to take them with, so the smaller the better, also I'll be using them for listening to music as much as I will...
  6. E

    Mixing and Mastering

    Hello all, this will be my first post on this site. I'm studying a music tech course in college and I'd love if anyone could send me anything to mix or master, just purely so I can improve. If anyone likes what I've done, even better, but I really would love some tracks to practice on. I don't...