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  1. D

    Simple - She left me...dadgumit

    Hello all you fine Members of this Incredible Clinic, This is a pretty simple song....Basically all I know how to do. In my mind it was finished ...until I found this site. Go ahead and shred me....just pick me up and dust me off after you finish....and don't worry, I'll call a cab if I can't...
  2. D

    Red Dog

    Hey Folks, I think it's the one titled Red Dog Let me know what you hear, and what you don't hear. .........Please tip the Host Thanx, DustyJack
  3. D

    Red Dog

    Here's my first try. Go ahead and rip it fellas. Red Dog is the first song....I think it's labled Red Dog...and if this link don't work forget you ever saw this DustyJack