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  1. M

    Feedback on a song in progress

    Hey y’all, I need feedback on this track, specifically on the verse section with the synth, and general leveling critique. Thankyou
  2. M

    New alternative song I’m working on

    Hey guys, Just thought I’d share something I’m currently in process of mixing. This is pretty much the first draft, so ya let me know of the levels, song structure and general thoughts. Thanks
  3. M

    Alternative rock song feedback

    Hey guys, currently mixing this alternative rock styled song. Any feedback on what to alter or thoughts on song/arrangement? Thanks.
  4. M

    Rnb/Pop song im currently working on

    Hey guys, im currently working on this rnb/pop thing. I dont really want to send it to people i know and id rather get some feedback here from you anonymous folks and friends. Let me know what you think of the mix.