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  1. L

    "Saving Grace"(Ugly) Any thoughts on the mix?

    My friend and I slaved away at this for a couple of weeks. We made sure it was live for the most part. What's the feeling? What's your verdict? Any thoughts on the mix? I love you?
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    I'm sick of it. I'm done. It's me. I wrote and recorded this last night. I'm sick of it..
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    I'm sick of it. I'm done. It's me. Let me know. I guess. :)
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    Your painting of canvas.. New subconscious session.
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    "When the Rain becomes a Burden" Unmarketabley remarkable. " In a christian sense"?

    "When the Rain becomes a Burden" Unmarketabley remarkable. " In a christian sense"? Please judge me, it's in your nature. :mad:
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    Beautiful organismic spill. Please listen and judge my mind.

    High Ground by Joshua Brandon Music on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free I have a weird place that I call home. Please visit my song and critique as you feel necessary. Much love either way.
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    I am weird... Please listen to my craziness. Let me know how you feel afterwards. I recorded this through my steinberg in Nuendo. One track madness. It is organic. I am a strange organism. Any feedback is acceptable.
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    Rate my singing/songwriting within a 1-10 scale(1sucks-10superbish!) and why?

    I attached 2 songs. The Centre is a song that I recently wrote. It is somewhat folky... I do not believe that I fit into any genre in the modern world, but I may be wrong. Please, assist me in your consumer ways! Ha, I am messing, you are all beautiful musicians with your own expressions to...
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    Hippy tune needs Feedback! I like it....

    Need advice on hand held recording... Listen and inform? Recorded on my tascam hand held digital recorder. Any tips and or feedback on performance and mixing is welcome!:eek:
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    Acoustic samples! Need input and advice on single track recording!

    Please critique my performance! I also could use some tips on single track recording and mixing. I appreciate any feedback as long as it is honest.:facepalm:
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    Acoustic samples! Need input and advice on single track recording!

    I mix with adobe audition. Only 1 track so each recording performance is 1 track. I would like to understand the mixing approach to this type of situation. Please feel free to comment and critique my performance and such.
  12. L

    Looking for feedback on one of my first home recorded songs! It is acoustic!

    I recorded the first tune(New song) on a handheld tascam recorder in my living room. Mixed it in audition. Please give me some feedback on vocals and mix.. I know it isn't perfect but what is!