Search results

  1. M

    Getting "bright" vocals into the mix

    So I'm mixing some stuff down and I'm having a hard time getting the vocals to kinda sit "down" in the mix a bit. The vocals seem very bright but leveling them down isn't having the effect that I want. Basically if I don't mix them down, the vocals are too "present" and they cut right through...
  2. M

    mp3 hosting? Recommendations?

    Hey gang. Still a bit new around here but pretty excited about what I'm reading so far. One question. I see that some of you guys have your music hosted at and others at nowhereradio. Do you guys have any comments/recommendations that you would give to someone that hasn't gotten...
  3. M

    Introduction and stuff

    Hi! Found this forum while trying to search for an online manual for an old Behringer Eurorack mixer that has been discontinued... :) I'm sort of a newbie to the home recording thing. I have done lots of loop manipulation and MIDI sequencing before but tonight for the first time I actually...