mp3 hosting? Recommendations?


New member
Hey gang. Still a bit new around here but pretty excited about what I'm reading so far.

One question. I see that some of you guys have your music hosted at and others at nowhereradio.

Do you guys have any comments/recommendations that you would give to someone that hasn't gotten hosting yet?
The thing I hat about is that your listeners have to type in their email address (At least make one up) before they listen. Also a Zip code, over 21, etc. This irritates me.

Not sure of, but Nowhere radio is slow as hell to upload to. I have a Cable modem that is faster than snot on most sites and when I upload / download to my various web sites. But Nowhere seems to lag when I upload tunes. The playback speeds (Download or streaming) seem to be fast enough.

Well- to fairly compare nowhere and you have to include that "approval" time on that doesn't exist at nowhereradio. Two to three weeks is a major pain in the ass.
drstawl said:
Well- to fairly compare nowhere and you have to include that "approval" time on that doesn't exist at nowhereradio. Two to three weeks is a major pain in the ass.

Didn't know about that. Ok. it does suckalottabutt.

I don't think they have to type in their address every time. I frequently download songs of and have my own stuff on there. Yesterday i erased all the temp internet files and next time i went to it asked me for email. I think it asks you every so many downloards or something like that.

I agress with drstawl, the approval time has gotten longer and longer it seems like. I would've switched already if it wasn't for nowhereradio's slowness. Guess we can't get the best of both worlds.

I think overall they both will provide you with about the same service, just depends on whether it bothers you that you upload something it's not there for a week or so, or slow download times.

good luck,
stuff at nowhere loads for me in a couple of mins with my cable modem....and then it is there...instantly....thank you Waldo. From .wav>mp3>nowhere= 10 mins, max. most of the time....and most of the time is with the mp3 encoder.
tired to get on
got a profile and everything but the verification code isn't being sent to mail e-mail address.
tried a couple of times. .. i dunno.
(It's the right e-mail address)

I e-mailed Waldo, hopefully he can sort this out.

So the above discussion shows that uploading to takes weeks compared to several minutes with

Ldies and gents, you have your winner.

So 'approves' each mp3? I think it's a good thing .. some people get their thrills by making really hateful/racist music.

The whole process of aproval just takes too long however.

Just the facts

>So 'approves' each mp3? I think it's a good thing .. some people get their thrills by making really hateful/racist music.

This is a worthy cause on the face of it, but as a long-time user of, the approval time hold-up is not a logistical compromise, it was an angle to promote their PAID hosting services by giving the paying members approvals as quickly as everybody was getting them before- typically a day or two.

The rest of the "freeloaders" could rot as far as they're concerned.

Nowhereradio doesn't twist your arm.

And as far as:

>I e-mailed Waldo, hopefully he can sort this out.

He will!

Somewhere in our outgoing e-mail transport, there is a problem. Unfortuneatly, tech-support for the ISP that handles our outgoing mail is closed for the day, but will reopen tomorrow morning.

I am unable to send any outgoing e-mail through the addresses, nor can the scripts, until this is fixed. (I do however, recieve all e-mails sent to the domain)

Basically, one of their mail routers has 'filled' to its maximum, and has no space to store the outgoing mail for pickup by the next server in the chain. I, unfortuneatly, do not have access to that particular server in any shape or form, nor does my ISP. However, the provider next to them does, so they have to contact them, blah blah.

I'm hoping this will be resolved by tomorrow morning, but worst case scenario, these servers normally have a redundancy where mail not sent for 4 days gets deleted, thus freeing up the needed room.

Frist- Yep, I frequenlty earse my temp files to maintain space and delete cookies. Your right. When you delete the cookie for the it asks you again.

Mixmkr- Yeah that is about right I guess. I get those speeds too, which I can live with. It just seems to drag a little when you update things, but nothing I can't live with for a well put together, free service.

Talk at you soon Fellas,

If someone wants to donate another $800 USD a month I can get faster lines and hardware ;) Until then, people are going to have to start participating in some of the programs (free) to float NWR, or I'm going to have to shut it down.
