Introduction and stuff


New member
Hi! Found this forum while trying to search for an online manual for an old Behringer Eurorack mixer that has been discontinued... :)

I'm sort of a newbie to the home recording thing. I have done lots of loop manipulation and MIDI sequencing before but tonight for the first time I actually recorded audio in my little geek studio! I'm kinda proud of myself, especially since I think the sound quality of the tracks is surprisingly high. Now begins the somewhat daunting task of arranging and mixing... But anyhoo...

Here's a basic rundown of my equip.

P3 933Mhz
SB Live and M-Audio Audiophile 2496
Cakewalk PA 9, ACID 2.0
Eurorack MX1602
Alesis QS8
Ensoniq ESQ-1
Alesis SR-16
Yamaha 4-String bass
Yamaha DTX2 Drum kit
Midiman 4x4 ifc
Johnson J-Station
Audix OM2 mic
Alesis M1 monitors

I feel like I have a decent little setup, although I'm sure I haven't figured out the optimal way to interconnect things.

I got a little frustrated tonight trying to get the Eurorack to do what I wanted it to do, but I couldn't find the manual, which brought me here accidentally. :)

Behringer doesn't seem to keep .pdf versions of their older mixers on their website. If anybody happens to have a copy of a Eurorack MX1602 manual, I would greatly appreciate a pointer to it. Thanks!

Other than that, no questions for now, I'm still reading other topics mostly.
Hey Mojotooth.....I'm about to get my little "geek" studio together. Man, all I can say is what a great time to be a geek. I can be a freak and a geek at the same time. Welcome.
Thankya folks!

I've already thrown in a couple contributions/opinions on some mixes. Unfortunately my ear is better than my technique, I have a lot to learn about how to make things sound good. Right now all I know is what sounds good to me. :)

Seems like the most important thing I've learned so far is to ditch my Behringer mixer that I just bought. :(
Hey......instead of ditching the Behringer, why don't you use it as a sub-mixer for the drums? Then you can get a better board for your main one, and everyone lives happily ever after.
Hm. Not a bad idea, but I think I can't justify the extra expense of keeping the Behr around AND getting a new Mackie. I'll be lucky if I can afford the difference between the Behr and the Mack.

Thanks for the suggestion though, I'll keep that in mind.