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  • Hey thanks for the heads up! I'm not in the UK--but I bet I could scrounge up a friend or two!
    Yup I can remember my first encounter with those mic clip inserts but heck I just screwed it out. Just seemed logical.
    Awesome. I haven't been on MSN Messenger or the forums much, either. Just wanted to say hey!

    I haven't used them much, yet. I just moved for college, though, so I'll be fairly busy as well.
    Hello Paul,
    Been taking it kind of easy. This time of the year I purposely don't take any work just to have time with my wife and 7 children .... but starting this week end I'll be driving all over New England doing different shows soooo same stuff different year

    Oh, I see. Household decorating/renovation... eeek. :P

    I would be striking up some DIY but I've spent all my monies... it'll have to wait a bit.
    Hey Steeno..

    It's going well. But yes, we must stick together. hahah.

    What are you currently working on? Doing some recording, DIY building, anything? :P

    Sorry for the slow response. I was away from home at first when you posted on my profile.
    lol yeah, I read your handle as 'steamerooni' so I'll just call u 'steamy' for short :D
    Ireland eh, sounds great, wish I was there! My daughter is an irish dancer, maybe I will be one of these years..
    I stayed and worked/volunteered in Lurgan, at a sort of day camp situated among some council housing in a neighborhood called Mourneview.

    One day I kicked a big kid out of the playground-- he'd been bullying the little guys-- and his father showed up to make a little gun out of his fingers and touch it to my forehead and tell me just exactly what kind of wooden box I'd be going back to america in! No wonder his kid acted like that. I heard later that he was some UVF guy who was later arrested on some bombing charge or something.

    I was more surprised than scared. But the divisiveness in that town was something I never got used to. It never seemed to be real when seen in comparison to the friendly and deeply hospitible nature of pretty much everyone I met there.

    I bought a crap bike- a GBP40 old ten speed and bag in some street market in Belfast- and rode with my tent and cookstove from Lurgan to Galway, out on a Ferry to the Aran is. and then over to Dublin before ferry to Hollyhead and train to London where I studied until Feb '99.

    My group was scheduled to go to the Ulster American Folk Park the day after the bomb there in Omagh. We went anyway. Everyone working at the museum was clearly in shock.

    I loved belfast, carrickfergus, giant's causeway and the carrick a rede rope bridge. It's quite beautiful there-- you live in a lovely country.
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