Recent content by Yossarian

  1. Y

    Recording with Garageband

    I am about to get an apple Ibook with Garageband and was wondering how the recording works... do you need a special chords to hook a mixer up? I heard apple sells a mixer to specifically use... if anyone cares to give me a good rundown that'd be cool... respond here or send me a myspace message...
  2. Y

    Can I run a Mixer through PA Speakers?

    I know this sounds like a stupid question... but can I use a Mixer and PA speakers as a PA... I mean, I am buying 2 cheap PA speakers and don't know if I need to get an amp to run it through, or can I use it through a Mixer? It's just for rehearsal, and it seems logical enough that I would be...
  3. Y

    Stage Tuners

    Any suggestions on a stage tuner? And is there a stage tuner that has different settings... I know the cheap Dan-o-lectro doesn't let you change anything.
  4. Y

    Buying a decent Mic

    Hey, I need to buy a Mic to sing in at the space I just rented... what's a good model, style and what-not to look for... Looking to spend like $100. Thanks.