Recording with Garageband


New member
I am about to get an apple Ibook with Garageband and was wondering how the recording works... do you need a special chords to hook a mixer up? I heard apple sells a mixer to specifically use... if anyone cares to give me a good rundown that'd be cool... respond here or send me a myspace message at
Is it an older iBook or a newer MacBook? Does it have audio input? Either way it certainly has usb ports. There are a ton of usb interfaces out there. If you only use guitar you only need a cable that goes from 1/4" to usb. Many manufacturers make them. The mixer you refer to as being made by Apple is a small usb interface only- no mixing. Its called iMic.
So give us a little more information on exactly which iBook your referring to and what sort of recording are you looking to do and with which instruments, vocals etc. Then we can narrow things down for you.
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OK. Basically, what you will need is some kind of basic audio interface and a mic or two. I am assuming you have some instruments already. If you need a mixer or not will depend on which audio interface you pick up. It will be easiest to pick up an M-Audio Fasttrack USB
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This interface has everything you need and you wont need a mixer, the preamp is built in. You can usually find it for aroun $100. There are many more options but this is probably the simplest and it works very well with GB.