Recent content by stuckatwork

  1. S

    Gonna get laid

    Hey, I wrote this song for my ex-girlfriend/maybe gonna be girlfriend again for christmas. She's in the Camen Islands so I haven't been able to give it to her yet, but I wanted to get some feedback to see if there's anything I missed or could do differently, to make the song better. They...
  2. S

    need a plan!

    Hey everyone, I'm in a band up in Seattle and I'm completely stumped on comming up with a plan to build a fanbase. We're a fairly new band palyed about 10 shows, just finishing up our CD but when we finally get it finished we've got no one to sell too. We've been playing to empty houses...
  3. S

    Outside Perspective

    Hey Everybody, I just finished up my bands 3 song demo and these songs are going to eventually migrate on to our CD. I'm the guitar player/ singer/ studio bass player/ primary sound engineer/ mixer/master... blah blah blah you get the idea. Anyways, I've heard these songs more times then I'd...
  4. S

    Weird phasing during mastering

    Hey every one, I'm just finishing up 3 songs for a demo and I'm getting some wierd effects going on when I add eq during the mastering stage. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this. I'm using stienberg's q-metric and when I add it on and reduce some of the high end I get a...
  5. S

    dull sounding tracks

    Hey, I'm recording through an alesis studio 32 board into a delta 1010 onto cubase. Every track I've done through this setup comes out sounding dull and muddy. The guitars especially. The guitars sound very good in the room. We are using 57's, and have tried all sorts of different micing...
  6. S


    Hey, I wrote and recorded this tune in my bedroom and my band decided to redo it for real on our CD. Can anyone give me any tips on what I could do to make this song better or how it should be mixed differently on the CD? Maybe some suggestions lyric wise? Thanks...
  7. S

    Which came first, mic or pre?

    Ok, I know this has been hashed over way too many times but I have to ask again. Maybe if you're bored enough you can read through my sob story... So I was down at GC the other day, seeing if the could order a joemeek MQ3 so I could try it out my vocals. I can't find one in town and I'm NOT...
  8. S

    Crappy Overheads

    Hey, My drummer just got done recording his drums for our CD and so far we got a killer drum sound, much better then we've ever gotten before... only problem is our cymbol sounds are kinda cheap. We used 3 ovehead mics, a SP C1 and 2 AKG C1000s. I know the C1000s are the problem but we had...
  9. S

    Drum reverb

    My band is mixing down our CD(we do a hard rock type of thing) and I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions on how we should handle the reverb on the drums. We've got the drum tracks seperated into to 8 seperate wave files in cubase. We want the overall sound to be fairly dry in the mix...
  10. S

    Good sounding budget room

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone had any idea how I can make a room sound decent on a budget. Here's my situation. We've got a room about 9' by 15' in a basement. We want to set it up to record my band's rock album. We just recently obtained about 1700' of shag carpet with padding...
  11. S

    Studio Projects C1 sound test

    Hey everybody, This is my first post so I hope I'm not breaking any rules but I just bought a C1 this weekend and I wanted to post a sound test so others could hear what it sounds like. This was my first large diaphram condenser purchase and I spent about 4 months researching and I was...