Recent content by Nola

  1. Nola

    Tempo Too Fast? / Mix Feedback

    Printed. No going back now! Thanks all, for helping me sculpt and refine this one. I once again think the mix got 5x better as I/we worked through this.
  2. Nola

    Tempo Too Fast? / Mix Feedback

    So I think this is done. The final mix is in the original post now. Any issues? I my issue with not liking the groove was somehow fixed with adjustments in the mix. I dig the groove now. The only thing I'm still wondering is vocal placement. Is it too far back? I kind of like it where it is, but...
  3. Nola

    A song about Ice Cold Beer (*UPDATED*) (upbeat acoustic groove)

    Super fun. It actually reminds me of something Sublime would write + the groove. When I saw the title I figured it would cringe but you managed to make this super cool.
  4. Nola

    Tempo Too Fast? / Mix Feedback

    That's awesome, thank you, man. Lou Reed is my favorite artist of all time. There is shaker (an egg) at times.....I kind of bring it in and out you should be able to hear it unless I accidentally disabled that track in mixdown. I will look.
  5. Nola

    Tempo Too Fast? / Mix Feedback

    Okay did a lot of work on this today. The following changes: 1. Lowered the right guitar a lot. For some reason it was way out of balance with the acoustic on the left. This gave the vocal way more space. 2. Lowered the organ a few DB and cut the piercing resonance frequency in the highs. This...
  6. Nola

    New Original Tune - I’ll get my shoes (rock/alternative/shoegazey?)

    I love old shure 545s. Maybe trade that mic for a good ribbon like an aea. Super smooth. And You can get super aggressive with eq without weirdness.
  7. Nola

    New Original Tune - I’ll get my shoes (rock/alternative/shoegazey?)

    What's wrong with using a dynamic on vocals? I find they work well. I use a ribbon, and I love it because you can cut the lows aggressively and boost the highs aggressively to really pin point a sound. But dynamics are pretty awesome on vocals IME.
  8. Nola

    New Original Tune - I’ll get my shoes (rock/alternative/shoegazey?)

    IMO the track already sounds like it has a ton of processing on it, so I wouldn't do that with the snare. The snare sounds fine the way it is. People can leave a comment based on their preference and that can get in your head. You clearly liked the snare because you used it. To me it sounds like...
  9. Nola

    New Original Tune - I’ll get my shoes (rock/alternative/shoegazey?)

    Great advice I always play my mix while in a different room doing something else and that’s when I hear any problems best.
  10. Nola

    Tempo Too Fast? / Mix Feedback

    Thanks that’s how I hear it, too, and was thinking maybe slower? Any thoughts on that? Do you think the panned guitars add anything or should I strip it down to bass/keys?
  11. Nola

    Tempo Too Fast? / Mix Feedback

    Interesting I’ll look into that.
  12. Nola

    Tempo Too Fast? / Mix Feedback

    Thanks, all. I think I will start from scratch tomorrow. There's something in the groove bothering me.
  13. Nola

    Tempo Too Fast? / Mix Feedback

    Thanks. I was wondering if the organ was a bit loud.
  14. Nola

    New Original Tune - I’ll get my shoes (rock/alternative/shoegazey?)

    A fantastic genre. Take it as a compliment.
  15. Nola

    Tempo Too Fast? / Mix Feedback

    I redid some stuff this morning. Here's a version with the "snaps" added in at various points in the song (i.e. the quieter middle part and ending) for arrangement interest, the solo redone/tighter, acoustic guitar moved to the center during the quiet middle section with shaker added there...