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  • Hey man your a real cool cat man, just watched Mississippi sax. Really cool dig it.
    a.dooley@pinewood.ie here , quick q , have u ever heard of shure 846 , i got one its seems to be changing its gain itsself and wonder ig its worth €50 on trial, when its stable it does nice job on acoustic guitar if you stay still.
    i want to experiment with it as a compliment to transducers....


    Hairy Larry
    I just now saw your post.
    I cant seem to access the site right now, it keeps giving me a site error like it is too busy.
    I'll try again in a bit.
    If you want, you can email me a MP3 to: tom@tmixstudio.com and I can get started with it.

    I'll check out your website. Here's my links.

    Delta Boogie - http://deltaboogie.com

    MixRemix - http://mixremix.com

    KGPL - http://www.kgpl.com

    Check out the Music forum at Delta Boogie for my column on topical music and protest songs.


    And here are the albums I'm sending our for Christmas.



    I'm also a frugal guitarist. I have several excellent instruments the most expensive of which is a Fender Lead guitar I bought for $125. My main ax is a Sigma that I paid $65 for. I also play a Silvertone L5 which I bought for $60 with a case. Like new. Then not now. The fingerboard shows all kinds of wear now entirely from my fingers.

    Sounds like we have a lot in common.


    Hairy Larry
    Thanks so much again for your $50 mic posting. I run FrugalGUitarist.com, a site dedicated to more affordable guitar based gear. Do you have a website? I'd love to read up on more of your opinions.
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