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  • kcearl
    you dont wanna go out in the clubs near my place...wear the beers cold and the men are hot if you catch my drift :)

    thanks mate, its been 8 happy years so far!
    MunchDude! :D

    Ssup? Hell yeah, c'mon over. :D Gots lotsa beer. :drunk:

    It was kinda funny about that pergola thingy. I called up to see what kinda permits I was gonna need and the lady said, "why doncha just build a pergola?" I told her I had no idea what a pergola was and went on to describe my game plan. She said, "uh...that's a pergola." :o

    But dayum, I'm gettin kinda pooped. Work all day and then go home and dig fence post holes, drink beer, form concrete pads, drink beer, built a privacy fence, drank beer, re-trapped my room, drank beer, built a sprinkler manifold cage, drank beer.....

    Also got some beer drinkin in betwixt there so it's ok. :)

    Oh...and let her know that it's the other reverse. :)

    So my son comes up to me the other day and says, "outta curiosity dad, how did you pick up women before mom came along?"

    I told him, "like a six-pack."


    got an elbow in the ribs from mama for that one. :D
    zup munch! Yeah, wifey got a job so I'm spending HER paychecks now too :D Last week I picked up a new set of KRK's and 2 mics - I couldn't wait for the 3 checks it'll take for the jcm :D

    Job isn't going well. I get VERY few hours ... basically whenever they think they might need some extra help unloaded a truck at 6 A.M.
    Basically I only end up working a few hours a week
    Whatup Munchman! :drunk:

    Roastin' my ass off here in Kintuky! :spank:
    Still full fookin throttle here man. :( I'm gettin pooped. Work is crackin, multiple projects around the house...blah blah...

    Not sure about stickin mirrors on the ceilings. :confused:
    Course, I never wanted to.
    Never wanted that good of a view of all the hair on my wifes back.

    :laughings: :laughings:

    You n da lad have a good time, whatever ya decide ta do. ;)

    Later bro
    dOOd! :drunk:

    How ya been man? Imagine yer pretty busy this time of year, no? Busy makes money tho.
    Wee Munch got ya dialed in on how to ride yet? :D

    Just wanted to say HI dude. Hope all is swell-n-shit. ;)

    Be kuu baby.
    Nope never miss it, I like it there though and went back in 2000 to try and move back but I only lasted 6 months....I was nearly jailed back in 93 and I knew I just didnt get along there, it was only a matter of time before I ruined my life...within a week of moving back I was fighting in the pub...must just be something in the water

    We're in San Diego, nice place, nice weather....Im not a great fan of the US, I like the people but absolutely everything, and I mean everything, revolves around money...which kind of tarnishes things..but here's probably one of the best places in the states..certainly city wise..mountains, beach, desert...pretty decent

    We're here for a few years..Id like to visit home someday in the future but to be honest I enjoy you ever get across here mate? we could have a fight! lol
    Ive got the cold and I just drank everyday for a week with a mate from London...Im not well :)

    Hows you fella?
    What the hell's going on in here? :eek:
    :D took me a few googles to figure out what "Co` latha breith sona dhuibh" meant. :p
    I'm just not that quick, I guess. :o

    Will do man. I'll tell her and slip her the tongue and tell her it;s from you. :D
    Enjoy your weekend and tell little munch I said "Hi" and no jumping the 4 wheeler........
    yet. :D

    Later bro
    Sounds like a good weekend man. I gets me a 3 dayer this time around, the wife turns 40 :eek: :laughings: and she told me she wants a tattoo and a gun.
    Kinda turned me on. :D

    Sinkin another $450 in bass traps for my room. Gettin em thru GIK. Good folks. 2 of their 244 traps and 3 boxes of DIY stuff.
    Cool. :cool:

    And hell yeah...take it slow with the wifey situation. If it works out, it was supposed to. If not, it means you're supposed to come to Nevada and drink beer with yer pal...:)
    Whatcha need when off-roading is icy cold beer ta wash down the dust!!!! :cool:
    well you've got some balls for giving it a shot mate....I rode straight into a cactus after going up the side of a dry river know the ones that look like someone standing? we then had to pull the spines out of the tyre....i wasnt having much more luck on the raptor either :)

    Not much...but Ive ridden a CRF 450 in the Arizona desert and it was too much for me mate...they are not a kick in the arse of a full competition bike..the only quad Ive ridden was there as well, it was a yamaha raptor 700..again it was way too much for me...

    I dont think road skills apply to off road but both of these were way too much cc....if you can handle it thats a hell of a bike mate....nookin futs :)

    please note how many times I said "way too much" lol
    Hey dude...
    I think the finish is cool (click on da pic) but I figger I'll have to swap heads and maybe pups. Shit, for the price, it's worth it to me just to have another flavor of guitars and to piss the wife off.
    it always does when i rape and murder fluffy granddads!

    hows it going fella..forgot to say..divorce? did that just creep up on ya?

    hope things are well Jocko!
    Most excellent! Amazing what a good lay will do for a guy, huh? long as it's not solo anyway. :D

    So waht gave ya the urge to do the motocross thang? You do realize yer gettin to be an old fart and you'll break a hip...right?


    Da wife's been gone for about 3 weeks. Helpin out her mom n gramma up in Montana so I've been batchin it and gettin sick of TV dinners n pizza. :p But, I've got another guitar on order ( a cheapo to fix up :) ) and am ordering an SM7B today.
    Gotta git er done cuz she'll be back Friday. :D

    It was a very wise man who said....

    "Tis easier to ask forgiveness than permission."

    Troof baby!
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