Ssup? Hell yeah, c'mon over.
Gots lotsa beer.
It was kinda funny about that pergola thingy. I called up to see what kinda permits I was gonna need and the lady said, "why doncha just build a pergola?" I told her I had no idea what a pergola was and went on to describe my game plan. She said, "uh...that's a pergola."
But dayum, I'm gettin kinda pooped. Work all day and then go home and dig fence post holes, drink beer, form concrete pads, drink beer, built a privacy fence, drank beer, re-trapped my room, drank beer, built a sprinkler manifold cage, drank beer.....
Also got some beer drinkin in betwixt there so it's ok.
Oh...and let her know that it's the other reverse.
So my son comes up to me the other day and says, "outta curiosity dad, how did you pick up women before mom came along?"
I told him, "like a six-pack."
got an elbow in the ribs from mama for that one.