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  • Hey, I have your Tascam feet that spooler sent me from Australia. They are the bottom feet, though, the rectangular ones, not the round ones for the back. ANd, two of the four have cracks. If these aren't the ones you need, I'll hold them for the next needy person. Let me know.

    ALso, my source went somewhat sour. I wasn't happy with the work that guy did, and I just wanted to pay (overpriced) and get out. He's a bit of a nut. I DID get some tape at a really good price, though.

    Are you interested in the original, OEM round beet, or will a functional replacement do? It turns out I need 'em, too and I was thinking of making some out of aluminum. Let me know.

    Hi, I'm new. I have a 34 and 38 both for sale. both in pristine condition in a dustless environment. I'm a drummer, so go easy on me guys, I don't know much about these, just that a death in the family forces sale. I also have several quantegy 465 grandmaster studio audio tapes still sealed in their boxes. whats a fair price for these? thanks.

    Jak przypuszczam, mowi Pan po polsku :)

    Widze ze jest Pan milosnikiem Firmy Tascam i udziela sie Pan na tym forum jako znawca.

    Chcialbym poradzic sie.

    Uzywam miksera Tascam M-30, ktory ma 8 wejsc (6x XLR - o niskiej impendancji 600 ohm i 2x Phone Jack - o wysokiej impendancji 10kohm).
    Jak podlaczam do tych pierwszych XLR swoj syntezator lub drummachine sygnal jest bardzo niski, prawie wogole nieslyszalny, a gdy podlaczam do tych wejsc 7 i 8 jack, sygnal jest na normalnym poziomie.
    Zastanawiam sie czy cos jest nie tak, ze nie moge uzywac tych pierwszych do instrumentow, ze sa spalone, czy sa one przewidziane tylko i wylacznie na mikrofony.
    Wydaje mi sie to dziwne.

    Prosze mi pomoc, jak wykorzystac te pierwsze wejscia do nagrywania syganlu z instrumentow. Czy trzeba uzyc jakiegos przetwornika, czy sa one po prostu spalone ?


    Stasiak Tomasz
    Hi. I bought a mixer Tascam m1516, Please let me know where I can find a brochure where I can learn how to use the mixer. I appreciate the information. Thank's.
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