Sure you were thinking of a heroic figure.
I was thinking of Horatio Hornblower. If you don't know who he is enlighten yourself. Google is yer friend. You are Horatio, or maybe Don Quixote but the name doesn't fit your handle. Bravely standing at the helm, battling the opposition - as you see it. Personally I think your opposition lives in the dark recesses of your mind but you fight whatever battle makes you happy.
Speaking of math and greed...

$500,000,000 judgment against Trump?
Victimless Crime?
Even the banks testified in Trump's defense?

WT FUUK, Tish!
Speaking of math and greed...

$500,000,000 judgment against Trump?
Victimless Crime?
Even the banks testified in Trump's defense?

WT FUUK, Tish!
As much as I despise Trump, I kind of agree this makes me uncomfortable. It still is fraud, and had the potential to have victims: If bank investors lost money because of misrepresentation, or if other developers who were competing to purchase the properties lost opportunity, etc. Those would be victims.

That said, a judgement of this size seems excessive and political.
As much as I despise Trump, I kind of agree this makes me uncomfortable. It still is fraud, and had the potential to have victims: If bank investors lost money because of misrepresentation, or if other developers who were competing to purchase the properties lost opportunity, etc. Those would be victims.

That said, a judgement of this size seems excessive and political.
Yeah political being the key word. I don't want to comment too much on any of the trials of Trump but some of the goings on are a bit much.
Yeah political being the key word. I don't want to comment too much on any of the trials of Trump but some of the goings on are a bit much.
Damn right it's just politics! TISH and the JUDGE aren't going after the BANKS and REALTORS!
They're notorious for inflating the price of property... ESPECIALLY IN NEW'FUKN YORK!!!
They did business with Trump because they TRUSTED HIM! They knew he was a GOOD INVESTMENT!!!
Speaking of math and greed...

$500,000,000 judgment against Trump?
Victimless Crime?
Even the banks testified in Trump's defense?

WT FUUK, Tish!

The real estate fraud case cost Trump himself (not including his sons and Weiselberg) $354.8 million in disgorgement penalty.

Boo fucking hoo. I feel terrible for the guy.
The real estate fraud case cost Trump himself (not including his sons and Weiselberg) $354.8 million in disgorgement penalty.

Boo fucking hoo. I feel terrible for the guy.
The true cost of Jame's personal hatred of Trump will become apparent to NYC (and the country) when a majority of businesses in NYC exodus enmass and relocate to other cities.
The anti-Trump cult reminds me of the dimwits who used to like Polack Jokes... :cautious:
Anti-Trump cult. lol Them folks suffer from TDS - Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I'm no fan of the Golden Golem of Greatness but the alternative? Don't get much worse. I'm actually disappointed in the democrats that they couldn't come up with a better candidate. Hillary was a terrible mistake but hell - they've had eight years to counter and the best they can do is Joe Biden? They may have won the last one but I don't see it this time. The failings of machine politics where the people pulling the levers don't give any credence to the man behind the mission they put forward. Fail.
Anti-Trump cult. lol Them folks suffer from TDS - Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I'm no fan of the Golden Golem of Greatness but the alternative? Don't get much worse.

You think?

Lest we forget.... Trump *ADMITTED* that he sexually assaults women. He was subsequently found liable in a court of law for doing just that.

He was, is, and continues to be a world class chronic, pathological, serial liar.

His is, observably.... a narcissistic, boastful, self-centered, mean-spirited, thin-skinned, vindictive jerk - not paralleled by any one I've ever known or can think of. He is a walking, talking, breathing perfect example of everything I raised my children not to be.

It's not a political, policy, partisan, or ideological thing. It is about *character*.

Our presidents have not been perfect people. None of them. I don't expect that. We're human beings. That said... Donald Trump is a piece of shit.
You think?

Lest we forget.... Trump *ADMITTED* that he sexually assaults women. He was subsequently found liable in a court of law for doing just that.

He was, is, and continues to be a world class chronic, pathological, serial liar.

His is, observably.... a narcissistic, boastful, self-centered, mean-spirited, thin-skinned, vindictive jerk - not paralleled by any one I've ever known or can think of. He is a walking, talking, breathing perfect example of everything I raised my children not to be.

It's not a political, policy, partisan, or ideological thing. It is about *character*.
Okay - stipulated. Joe Biden is the best the democrats can come up with? That is fucking pathetic. Finding a better candidate than Trump should be childs' play. Why such a horrible fail?
Okay - stipulated. Joe Biden is the best the democrats can come up with? That is fucking pathetic. Finding a better candidate than Trump should be childs' play. Why such a horrible fail?
Agreed, but…I have to wonder what would be different if we had a democrat that was say, 15 years younger and had no stutter or age related issues etc. What do you suppose would be different at this moment in time?
I will give Trump credit in one main aspect, and the dems have been dismissive of this aspect since Obama days if not Clinton before him. Trump has captured the Populist undercurrent of this country. It is very much a real thing. Thomas Frank has written a couple very good books on the subject. I highly recommend them. I want to vote for the more liberal candidate but I despise elitism and the democratic party machine oozes it from every pore. I still have a hard time coming to grips with the idea that a blowhard, reality TV, real estate charlatan could actually be elected as president of this country. My god what have we come to?

I voted for him twice and will again.
Agreed, but…I have to wonder what would be different if we had a democrat that was say, 15 years younger and had no stutter or age related issues etc. What do you suppose would be different at this moment in time?
Valid question. We don't so let's not go there just yet. Better question is what a more liberal person could do better than Trump or Biden this time around? And who?
Valid question. We don't so let's not go there just yet. Better question is what a more liberal person could do better than Trump or Biden this time around? And who?
Personally, I’d like to see a potus that would push for campaign finance reform to undo the Citizens United damage and some gun regulation focusing on a national database for starters.
Personally, I’d like to see a potus that would push for campaign finance reform to undo the Citizens United damage and some gun regulation focusing on a national database for starters.
Government funding of campaigns - pick your limits and qualifications. No corporate, PAC or party contributions or ads.
A national license with testing for gun ownership with no limits once licensed and no individual gun registration.
My issue with no individual gun registration is then you can’t stop guns from flowing en masse to the street, especially with no limits. I understand why people don’t want registration, but I don’t believe it’s a realistic fear in this country. It’s a real problem vs a theoretical one. No contest.
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