And today's American mass shooting....


Because kids can buy guns the minute they turn 18. If that 18 yr old young man ran into Robb Elementary with a knife, would 400 cops stand back while he stabbed 27 children and 2 teachers? Would any cop have stood back and waited? The M-16 (AR-15) was the deciding factor!

Me, I'm to blame? Let me check my bedside manner here.... Clearly you're not rational. I've barely posted here in this thread, you don't know what I actually think other than me stating I don't know the answer. And neither do you if you think I am to blame for a kid who has displayed mental instability, posted animal mutilation vids online and was reported to the web hosts as doing so, which might I add is a hallmark so to speak of murderous intent, was nicknamed "school shooter", nobody did shit. Maybe if the eff bee eye wasn't so busy monitoring & paying off Twitter to silence opponents of their preferred political candidate they just might be in a position to prevent known nut cases from acquiring the weaponry to murder innocent children. Speaking of preventing the murder of children, the police stood out in a hallway while the kid was inside a classroom. I'm to blame for their cowardess? It was made aware and clarified after the fact that law enforcement is to confront an active shooter even at risk of their own lives. They actually needed extraordinary instruction on such matters pertaining to their job as which is said to serve and protect? It's my fault their was a prior lack of communication that would cause the police to value their own safety over the safety and lives of school children? Of course it is not. I could go on, but to what end with someone who believes such nonsense, I am to blame.

It would seem one can't make an attempt at humor these days without some jackass getting all butt hurt and holding you responsible for the sins of the world. Can speak for the Woodster, but I think he would be very disappoint.
Wow, so no handguns in Canadia, huh? With all this talk of heavily regulating or restricting private ownership of "assault rifles", is that going too damn far? Are we going to see a surge of duel citizen types repatriating back to the US, because they would never do that here, right? I mean, nobody is even talking about banning handgun ownership here in the US, it's just "assault rifles", right?
Yeah, it's really bad up here :(
I did bring that video up. That guy made several more videos just like it.
In one of them, he asks the subject to name the Kardashians, and they promptly name all of them.
My favourite was when he asks: What is 3 times 3 times 3.
We have plenty of uneducated people like those in the video here in England too.
I think the point is, making automatic assault rifles available to ignorant people, is a big mistake.
Speaking of ignorance - automatic weapons aren't legal for sale in the US except under very rare and expensive circumstances.

I imagine the British might feel some kind of way about American citizens owning firearms given that the King once tried to disarm Americans and it didn't go well for the Brits.
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This shooting occurred on may 5th if recall correctly. So now that the body cam footage is released you gotta be the first to show it.

Gotta keep the fear and outrage alive, right?
It was the event that originally created the thread.
Local experience/interest for OP.
It was the event that originally created the thread.
Local experience/interest for OP.
I get it.
But at the same time he, yourself and leddy have made your views quite well known. More laws. More restrictions, all which dilute the 2A and put more restrictions on the vast majority of American gun owners who aren’t criminals.

But hey, thanks for playing. ;)
I get it.
But at the same time he, yourself and leddy have made your views quite well known. More laws. More restrictions, all which dilute the 2A and put more restrictions on the vast majority of American gun owners who aren’t criminals.

But hey, thanks for playing. ;)
The majority of legal gun owners want more restrictions.
Chicken shit money grubbing politicians won't do what the people want.
The majority of legal gun owners want more restrictions.
Chicken shit money grubbing politicians won't do what the people want.
I doubt your assertion. I’ve never met one who feels that way. Statistics , polls etc can all be rigged and slanted.

Anyway, I know where you stand you know where I stand. It’s pointless discussing with you. Neither of us will change our minds.

Have a lovely day
I doubt your assertion. I’ve never met one who feels that way. Statistics , polls etc can all be rigged and slanted.

Anyway, I know where you stand you know where I stand. It’s pointless discussing with you. Neither of us will change our minds.

Have a lovely day
As you wish.
Anyway, this is from 1 year ago, and I doubt anyone has changed their opinion much...

As you wish.
Anyway, this is from 1 year ago, and I doubt anyone has changed their opinion much...

Incidents like Uvalde which garner huge headlines are a barely perceptible blip on the radar of gun violence in the US.

There are more gun deaths *just* in inner-city Chicago in any typical 6-month period than deaths from all school shootings in the US since 1776.

The people who mostly wail about "gun violence" don't pay much attention to where the overwhelming majority of gun violence takes place and who's perpetrating it - in fact they generally want to obfuscate the facts and instead bray dishonestly about "weapons of war", spew false statistics about "children" dying from gun violence while trying to misdirect regarding who they're classifying as children.

It's not John and Jane Middle American suburbanite who's committing most gun violence/crimes.

If you want to stop most gun violence in America - crack down *hard* on the inner-cities. Oh but wait, can't do that because then we run afoul of something leftists care much more about, certain "protected class" people.
Incidents like Uvalde which garner huge headlines are a barely perceptible blip on the radar of gun violence in the US.

There are more gun deaths *just* in inner-city Chicago in any typical 6-month period than deaths from all school shootings in the US since 1776.

The people who mostly wail about "gun violence" don't pay much attention to where the overwhelming majority of gun violence takes place and who's perpetrating it - in fact they generally want to obfuscate the facts and instead bray dishonestly about "weapons of war", spew false statistics about "children" dying from gun violence while trying to misdirect regarding who they're classifying as children.

It's not John and Jane Middle American suburbanite who's committing most gun violence/crimes.

If you want to stop most gun violence in America - crack down *hard* on the inner-cities. Oh but wait, can't do that because then we run afoul of something leftists care much more about, certain "protected class" people.
You're in the minority.
You're in the minority.
Nope. Just by the way that report you cited is worded I can tell the assertion is crap.

I won't shop anywhere that prohibits firearms. If they want a situation where only those with criminal intent have a firearm that makes them pretty stupid.
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If you want to stop most gun violence in America - crack down *hard* on the inner-cities. Oh but wait, can't do that because then we run afoul of something leftists care much more about, certain "protected class" people.
It's similar to the incredibly corrupt "war on drugs". The people involved keep it going because they can make money on it.

Or cancer research. A year or two ago they found an effective, cheap cure, but it was hushed up because they can make more money "researching" than manufacturing the meds.
Nope. Just by the way that report you cited is worded I can tell the assertion is crap.

I won't shop anywhere that prohibits firearms. If they want a situation where only those with criminal intent have a firearm that makes them pretty stupid.
I'm happy I live in a place where if I see a guy/gal with a gun I know they are either a cop or a criminal.
I'm happy I live in a place where if I see a guy/gal with a gun I know they are either a cop or a criminal.
I'm happy you live there.

Where I am since we only have concealed carry the only time someone would *see* my gun is if I'm actively engaged in self-defense or at a range. I consider open-carry to be tactically dumb - bad guys don't need to be advised who's carrying.

What's your plan if you become the target of a criminal?
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Incidents like Uvalde which garner huge headlines are a barely perceptible blip on the radar of gun violence in the US.
Heartless. Just means we have so much other gun violence that kids dying in schools seems insignificant to you.
There are more gun deaths *just* in inner-city Chicago in any typical 6-month period than deaths from all school shootings in the US since 1776.
And Chicago doesn’t even make IL near the top of the list of states with high per capita gun violence.
The people who mostly wail about "gun violence" don't pay much attention to where the overwhelming majority of gun violence takes place and who's perpetrating it - in fact they generally want to obfuscate the facts and instead bray dishonestly about "weapons of war", spew false statistics about "children" dying from gun violence while trying to misdirect regarding who they're classifying as children.

It's not John and Jane Middle American suburbanite who's committing most gun violence/crimes.

If you want to stop most gun violence in America - crack down *hard* on the inner-cities. Oh but wait, can't do that because then we run afoul of something leftists care much more about, certain "protected class" people.
Nah, we just understand that it’s primarily the places where there are more guns. There is a clear correlation, and red states having higher per-capita gun crimes proves it. If you want less gun crimes, you need less guns. That doesn’t mean the left wants to take your guns as your side keeps saying. Just some reasonable checks and requirements. You’d rather sound your dog whistle about inner cities.
