So apparently - folks at Fox News were not being honest with their viewers

"Deep state" :facepalm:

My bad. I forgot about the evil cabal of satanic necrophiliac felcher child molesting liberals who secretly run everything. Good grief.
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Maybe a bit off the topic of this particular thread, but close enough.

This is something that personally scares the shit out of me.

He's talking about rounding up homeless, putting them in homeless tent cities, rehabilitation etc.

He says nothing, zero, zilch, about addressing the root cause of homelessness.

It’s all just about getting them out of the cities.

And if/when the economy collapses, I’m sure many more will join the ranks of the homeless.

So what do you do then? Well, just ship them off to the camps.

I’m sure the hardcore true believers will embrace this and think it’s just great.

Good grief, Dave. You know as well as I know that CNN and other networks will never be sued for distorting the truth. That's just the way it is.
Do you ever come here to create a fun thread?
No, that's completely untrue and once again a knee jerk response. If you want to make an accusation you have to use facts and logic to back it up. Conspiracy theories are the safe space for people who can't come up with a logical argument for their position.

I've never seen a group of people fail so completely as the Big Lie crowd and yet feel as though they are right. It's equal parts scary and sad. Snowflakes.
An extremely flawed knee jerk response. If this was the case they would be sued as well.....but logic hasn't been a part of the Big Lie, just accusations.

Knee jerk, you say? Are you saying few lawsuits being filed is somehow evidence that lies are not being told, or something like that? Seems a simplistic, sophomoric viewpoint to me. Plausible deniability, citing other "news" outlets as a source of factual(?) information, which if you've noticed has become quite common. Retractions buried in an update long after the public has latched onto the initial inaccurate reporting(see lie) and has become part of the consciousness in the electorate..I mean, if we're talking a "the Big Lie". There are many factors to consider. It is not as simple as you are attempting to portray it.

Let's take the NPR story mentioned earlier. I'm not going back to quote, paraphrase should be sufficient to illustrate. No need to argue the points, whether untrue or not, it is simply a matter of record, including NPR issuing a correction/retraction. In the love letter review of Hunter Biden's book NPR said the infamous laptop had been discredited by the intelligence community. Firstly, "discredited" doesn't necessarily mean the laptop is fake, or it is not Hunter Biden's, or the whole story is bullshit. But it's juuust enough to cast shadow of doubt. I feel reasonably certain I could find examples of other news outlets, "NPR is reporting intelligence community has discredited the laptop". In fact, in fact, if memory serves, NPR used the same tactic in its reporting, "Intelligence community and other news sources have discredited the laptop." Go back and look, tell me if I am lying. Secondly, in the retraction they say intelligence hasn't issued a statement. No statement as to validity of the laptop, then what, they made it up out of whole clothe? How else can you report someone said something that by their own admission after the fact was never said, no statement issued? Well, of course other than "other news sources" are reporting. There's that.

It's a convoluted mess, with a lie at center stage. Who is going to sue who? Plausible deniability, they're just reporting what others have reported *shrug*? You're being simplistic and obtuse. I would hope intentionally so, otherwise...?

As far as "snowflake"? Jan 6th biggest threat evah to our precious democracy, bigger than the civil war and 911? In fact, fill in the fucking blank, ____ threat to our precious democracy. Fox News, biggest lie ever, nothing compares, threat to our precious democracy. Oh the gnashing of the teeth and rending of clothing, on a day to day basis.

I hope this post wasn't too long for you. I tried to keep it as short as possible, and reasonably simple to comprehend.
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Let me just add...can I add something? I'll try to keep it simple.

NPR in reference to the laptop, they released a statement saying they are not going to waste readers/listeners time reporting on the laptop, a mere distraction, they said. I would think a "news" outlet who is interested in informing and serving the interest of The People(and in part funded by all the people on either side of the aisle) would investigate a story that in fact was true, it was indeed Hunter Biden's laptop. Why would they not, but instead not waste time on a distraction? I think the answer to that question is obvious. Is NPR reporting on it now? Maybe. But no doubt, "sources say the laptop said to be Hunter Biden's reveals no evidence of wrong doing by his loving father, President Joe Biden". I won't argue the point, but that's another lie.
No, I don't know that. "Deep State" in and of itself is a conspiracy theory, and I don't subscribe to it.
Yes, there are nefarious things that happen in all governments everywhere. I believe that.

Really? The Deep State is just conspiracy theory?

Yet you acknowledge that nefarious things happen?

Who do you think are the perpetrators of these nefarious things?

What do you think the “Deep State” is to make it conspiracy theory?

Lizard people, aliens?

What is deep state?
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Wikipedia is a propaganda outlet. You know that, right?
Not sure I'd call it that exactly. It is a site where numerous people can modify info.
That particular page just falls in line with what I thought is all.
In any case, no single outlet is gospel.
In that sense everything is propaganda. How can we trust anything or anyone? At all? Ever? Whatever source(s) of information that leads RFR to belive that a nefarious "deep state" is a real thing - how can it be trusted?
Not sure I'd call it that exactly. It is a site where numerous people can modify info.
That particular page just falls in line with what I thought is all.
In any case, no single outlet is gospel.
That’s cool. Was just asking what it meant to you.
In that sense everything is propaganda. How can we trust anything or anyone? At all? Ever? Whatever source(s) of information that leads RFR to belive that a nefarious "deep state" is a real thing - how can it be trusted?

Whatever you believe it to be, something is wrong. At the very least there’s a bad case of mismanagement going on.
Yeah - something is wrong. We agree on that.

What I believe it to be is exactly what I've said before - and as I recall we (you and I) entirely agreed on the fact that private concentrated capital runs the show. Power players and special interests and their lobbies fund our lawmakers and the revolving door that is our legislative body - as well as our electoral politics. It is this deeply entrenched establishment that, by its nature, resists the kind of structural change that might lead to a more democratic outcomes where official policy better reflects public opinion.

But here's the thing... there's no secret deep state conspiracy going on here. What I described above is how it works. This goes on out in the light of day for all the world to see. There's nothing secret about it. Although, I acknowledge that this entrenched establishment would prefer not to have more people looking deeply and directly at this. People would cause a revolution if they would get away from the myriad distractions that come from every direction and crawl up every lawmakers ass demanding an end to a system that does not put policy in place which does in fact reflect public opinion.

But the distractions - things like conspiracy theories and every other thing that folks are told to be afraid of - are the obstacles that keep people polarized, divided, atomized in our little houses, and marginalized from the process.
This post is not aimed at anyone in particular......unless you feel it is.

Lots of words in this thread. Mostly desperate stuff born of the great human fear of being wrong and getting called out for it. So...push out the caustic words...lots of them....quickly...and forcefully...and hope you get the other guy mad and maybe he'll lose you can feel better....and you can fool yourself into thinking you're a winner. Uh're a winner if that don't give up.

Angry that the other guy won't see it your way. Maybe he really does but just doesn't like you. Ever think of that? No matter the're wasting your time and looking foolish during most of it. After all...looking deperate is pretty much the same as looking like a loser.

Oh...wait....that's it....everyone is wanting everyone else to look like a loser. How could I have missed that.

The earth is flat.

We never walked on the moon.

Biden is a highly inpsiring leader. (tounge in cheek in case you're not sure)

Trump is extremely smart...honest...moral....and well...humble of course.

Biden speaks and looks as if he's going to keel over any second. Who wouldn't want him for 4 more years.

Trump is....well....stupid. The whole bleach in the body thing was an exception to that of course. Very smart.

Yes....Fox lost a lawsuit about lying.'s true.

CNN is just as biased but in a way that allows untruths by inuendo.

MSNBC can't even bring themselves to air opposing views.

Aren't we tired of arguing all this yet?

Come on the earth really round? Let's debate that for a while.
Yeah - something is wrong. We agree on that.

What I believe it to be is exactly what I've said before - and as I recall we (you and I) entirely agreed on the fact that private concentrated capital runs the show. Power players and special interests and their lobbies fund our lawmakers and the revolving door that is our legislative body - as well as our electoral politics. It is this deeply entrenched establishment that, by its nature, resists the kind of structural change that might lead to a more democratic outcomes where official policy better reflects public opinion.

The Citizens United ruling needs to be overturned before ANY meaningful reform can be done.

Not to be overly partisan here, but it’s the republicans who stand in the way of that. Dems have tried.

Sorry to post this a second time, but if you haven’t seen this, PLEASE watch it. So prophetic.
