So apparently - folks at Fox News were not being honest with their viewers

My comment was taken out of context. You're picking and choosing again.

No, I don't think so. You had a knee jerk response and said something dumb. Uncharacteristic of you, you're a pretty smart guy, level headed, or reasonably so. It happens to the best of us, accept it and move on.

There's always the opportunity to clarify, if you wish? Or we can just let it go. I'm thinking that's the option you would prefer, understandably.
I'm trying to flip the script here, Mick. It's worked so well for the right leaning members here for years. Deny it, blame the others, compare it to what someone said, discredit whatever source or sources were given, I don't know. I'm just taking a different approach. And honestly it's kind of nice. I just say a bunch of dumb shit and put it back on you guys. It's SOOO much easier.
lol @

Aaah, you were playing chess, not checkers. That's the eazy Willy I know and love!(that sounded vaguely gay..not that there's anything wrong with that!).

Alrighty, then, we'll just let it go. *Wink*
It seems not
But if it was something you agreed with it would totally seem like it though, right? I mean not you personally because you're an idiot. I mean the general public. I suppose you couldn't answer that though.

Confirmation bias is a helluva drug. Give me more!!!
I'm just asking the questions, you know?
Every post sounded like you were defending Biden.
Defending an administration that is in favor of little boys getting on hormone blockers, growing boobs, getting surgery and chopping off their dicks.

For girls, getting them on testosterone, performing mastectomy's, surgically removing part of the flesh of the arm to fashion into a fake dick that will never function.

And this is what they call health care.

That’s what this administration is in favor of. (amongst other shit)

I think that’s indefensible.

Edit: reading some of the posts that came in while I was typing, seems you were trolling? Or just bring a dick ? LoL
Honestly, the greatest thing the modern age has given us, and I mean greater than modern medicine and technology, is the ability to turn the tv on and have some dumb blonde tell me exactly what I want to hear, 24 hours a day 365 days a year. It's fucking great. And if you disagree with me then give me ONE SINGLE EXAMPLE of something that critical thinking ever gave us that we as a species benefited from? I'M WAITING!! I DIDN'T THINK SO!